Enies Lobby; spandams plan

I've been curious, why if spandam has the blueprints to pluton does he need Robin. The show implied that she knew the whereabouts of the original pluton, but the blueprints would render that knowledge unneccesary right? What else does she know that would require the government to keep her Avile for months or even years as Lucci suggests. Or are we not meant to know yet what she can do or how pluton is activated. .


Maybe the instructions all are in Poneglyphs? And Robin's the only one who can read them, so maybe that's why they had to keep her around. Isn't that what Crocodile also needed her for?

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?



*Spoiler if you are still at Enies Lobby*

It's not just Pluton. There are 3 ancient weapons in total. The whereabouts of each is inscribed upon different Poneglyphs. The government needs Robin to decipher them. However, the government does not know the whereabouts of other two Poneglyphs.

There are 4 different types of Poneglyphs:-

1. The ones which tell the location of Ancient Weapons.
2. Important messages from the history.
3. Information about the void century.
4. ****Huge spoiler if you are only an anime only viewer**** The Road Poneglyphs, which are a map to Raftel!!

The government obviously doesn't want anyone else to reactivate those weapons, plus, they don't want anyone to learn the world's true history.


That would explain why Spandam doesn't just kill her after Franky burns the blueprints
Say ten Hail Marys, five Our Fathers, and the Gilligan's Island theme
