I'm inna show!

Along with a few other clubmembers, I'm supposed to be on tonight's episode (11-30-08). Watch for purple hats, and that should be me. Dunno if they got any shots of my face, but I ended up getting pulled in for shots featuring on-screen talent in three rooms other than the one we were brought in to help out with (the youngest son's room, designed by Michael). I'm not going to say _why_ we were brought in, as it will spoil the surprise, but it should be pretty obvious once you watch the episode. I will say, though, that there's a decorative light fixture in that room that I got set loose on (they provided the design concept, the storebought fixture, and some grey paint, but pretty much left it up to me to create the final look). Another club member from the area was handing me assembled bits to attach, and I had a very lovely volunteer whose name I completely forgot (I put in over 36 hours straight including travel time, with only four hours of sleep, so I was a little out of it on Thursday, and completely zonked on Friday) handing me hot-melt glue guns as I needed to have both hands free to attach each piece (one hand on the inside of the fixture, and one hand on the outside). The light fixture wasn't a very long project, but it was the only one where I got to decide the final look.
