construction boards?

does anyone know any good construction message boards? im trying to design a house and i need to ask some questions to make sure i draw everything according to code

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me


Building codes are constantly changing and they can vary by state, county, city, town, and/or borough. In order to learn which codes are being used and how they will affect you and your construction project, contact your local building inspection department, office of planning and zoning, and/or department of permits. You may want to start by calling the most local government body that has jurisdiction over the property where you will be building. They should be able to provide you with specific information about which building codes are currently being used as guidelines in your area.


there are still standards for all places, like trimmer studs for doors and windows, regular studs 16oc, etc....

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me
