MovieChat Forums > Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (2003) Discussion > after watching a number of episodes,,,,,...

after watching a number of episodes,,,,,,,,,

one question occurred to me, why is it that it takes a tv show to get a community to come together and help their fellow man(being non gender specific), some of these houses you can tell from the outside are in bad shape, and if those families living there could fix them up, they would, but they cant, they go all that time before the crew comes in living in a hell hole, and these families(for a time)get lucky to have the help come to them, but what about others that dont have that benefit? i have to wonder, what does that say about the people that live there, especially about the so called "christians" and their "oh look at me im donating a buck to the salvation army" and "well im giving to goodwill or this or that charity(while getting a tax deduction when really that deduction is my main reason, i just dont want you do know it)"

notice that the churches arent helping those families, when they could offer them some kind of help, locally owned motels could put them up for a time, any locally owned lumber shops could donate some materials and the high schools could use the shop classes to do the work, im not saying that all the run down families in a community could be done up right in a fast time, and i understand that those businesses need to make money to pay their workers, and workers have to pay their bills, but would it kill people in a community to try to help when they can?

i would hope this would at the least shame some of those christians out there(you know who you are) and especially pastors or priests(and you know who you are) that could be doing SOMETHING and arent, and for those of you that this applies to, i hope the next time you see someone that has fallen on hard times, and feel nothing but shame for yourself that you havent done anything.

there may be some out there that do help when they can, and those of you that do help when possible i dont mean this post to, there should be more like that, least of all around this time of year, whether any of you believe in xmas or not, whether you have faith or not.

i find it disgusting that before ty and the crew comes, there hasnt been any people coming together to do what is needed. that is all i have to say, no need to reply, just thing about it.

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me


You really have a problem with Christians. Someone has to coordinate such a tremendous effort. That's where having the show coordinate everything makes it much easier.
