This show has jumped the shark

Especially considering it's roots were formed during the height of the real estate, wall street boom, and now, there are tons of people much more destitute than any family given a free super home on this show.

It's so clear to everyone now anyway, that this show is about sponsorship money and advertising dollars and has nothing to do with maximizing help for the homeless, in fact, most everyone profiled in this series already owns a home, however worn, and yet there are hundreds of thousands on the street, and millions in one room cockroach invested apartments. Perhaps it's time for Extreme Makeover Foreclosure Edition.

The original concept of the show is all but gone; born in the glory days of reality television, this show was based on the concept of how difficult it was to build a home in 7 days, that's all but forgotten now. The original concept was a "fake" conscript in order to engender "conflict" where there really isn't any, that you "had to" build it in 7 days, but that in fact was always artificial, based on the phony premise that they needed to finish the house in a week because there was another one to do the next week... please, give me a break, everyone knows how shows are taped and edited, everyone knows the reality of a television schedule especially on the main networks like ABC. Now the show has turned into the TV ratings value of the shocked faces and tears of the lost and broke and damaged people in close up.

If the economy never faltered and if the real estate bubble didn't burst as dramatically as it did, you might be able to continue this show, but as of right now, it's embarrassing to watch, it's sad and suddenly irrelevant in the face of one or two or twenty million foreclosures.

I don't follow these things closely, I see it's still on the air, but actually, is it cancelled now, or planned to be?
