MovieChat Forums > Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (2003) Discussion > Hearing from the Families on these Forum...

Hearing from the Families on these Forums

OK, we all spend a bunch of the time on these forums, and we hear from many doubters and critisizers on here, but why do we never hear from any of the family members that have been enlivened by this show? Literally, everyone I know uses IMDB for some purpose, so you can't tell me that after all of these seasons of computers donated, and free internet access given to the families on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition that none of the family members have found IMDB and looked or comented on their families show is in any way plausible. I realize that the first favorite on their toolbar will be, but the real fans of TV and Movies are here at IMDB. It is time to hear from the real families that have been given Extreme Makeovers on their homes.

I am a Browncoat, are you?


bump :)



The whole thing is manufactured and there are most likely more situations that end with these people losing their double-mortgaged homes than not. My question: Why don't you ever hear from the extended family who could not possible be under contract? People love to believe this junk, but the questions in this thread bring home the fact that there isn't a fantasy happy ending as depicted in the show. Of course, the rest of the story doesn't make for good ratings.

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If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


The only family that has lost their home was one that used their home for callateral on a business that failed - this was their own fault, not the fault of the show. If these families choose to abuse the amazing gift they have received, why is the show to blame? More often than not, the mortgage is paid in full by donations. The families are advised to consult a financial advisor. Their failure to make good decisions is their own.


... that you know of. How do you know that the families aren't now required to sign non-disclosure agreements? This way, if the family screws up they can't blame it on Disney or give the show bad press.
