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Extreme Makeover: Home Edition drinking game!

Take a belt of booze whenever:
* Ty starts the episode with "Hi, I'm Ty Pennington, and the renovation starts right now!"
* Ty starts the briefing with "Okay, [team members], we're on our way to [location] to meet the [name] family."
* The family introduces themselves on the tape with "Hi, ABC, we're the [name] family!" and individually identify themselves in a far too cheery manner
* Somebody cries on the videotape
* One family member has a medical condition more befitting a supervillain in a comic book or James Bond movie
* A family member has died sometime before the show started
* The soldier in the family is a Marine who is way too into all the stereotypical Marine Corps catchphrases
* Ty alerts the family by screaming "Good morning, [name] family!" and names each member through the megaphone
* The original house is so dilapidated that not even Third World war refugees would live in it
* There are more children in the family than rooms in the original house
* There's something in the house that marks the family as Jesus freaks
* The children are homeschooled
* The family spends more time helping others than themselves, explaining why they needed to beg a reality television show to build them a new house for free
* Ty has an Oprah moment with the head of the household
* The family gets sent to a Disney theme park for their vacation
* The limo that ferries the family to and from vacation is made out of an SUV
* The construction company marches in like a conquering army complete with flags
* The construction company foreman gives a sappy speech before demolishing the original house
* The family's celebrity meet & greet suspiciously ties in with some other Walt Disney Company (which owns ABC) television or movie project
* Ty acts like he needs to be tasered
* Paige wears something pink
* Paul wears a firefighter T-shirt
* Preston wears a cowboy hat
* Tracy does little more than shop for furniture and look pretty
* Michael perpetuates gay stereotypes
* The impromptu benefit concert features a Christian or country musician
* That odd violin music plays just before the family comes back
* There's a crowd of people with handmade signs waiting for the family's return
* Ty says "Say it with me: bus driver, move that bus!"
* Ty says "Go check out your new house."
* The mortgage on the original house has been paid off
* The children have all been given full-ride scholarships to the local state college, which isn't that much cash given the in-state residency discount
* The TVs in the new house all have the show's logo on them
* The children all have rooms themed on their current interests that you know they'll outgrow in two years
* The new car the family is given is an SUV
* Ty says, "Well, I guess there's just one thing left to say: welcome home, [name] family, welcome home."
