Why do . . .

they put high def plasma TVs in the little kids rooms? I know they were less fortunate than we were at a time but no little kid needs a high def TV in his room, not even a laptop computer. I remember one episode where they put a laptop computer in the four year old girl's room. Like I said, I know once they were less fortunate than us, but I would just be happy with a brand new home.

Don't Genius Live in a Lamp?-Patrick Star


Because the electronics companies are foaming at the mouth for that kind of exposure. Donating a few TVs and computers is way cheaper than paying for a commercial.

"There's no such thing as an original sin."


As far as my kids they don't have computers in their rooms, it's in the living room. I can see and monitor ALL, and they have never complained or felt deprived. I just feel more comfortable that way. But I agree with you some of the stuff they do for the families is a little overboard and pretentious.


Because its called extreme makeover and its on telly. They have got to give the views something really special. And why not, if the items are donated by Sears or whoever then use them.

Lets face it, if they just made a normal house with normal rooms etc then it wouldn't be worth watching, i can see normal houses every day of the week. Yes it is overboard but thats whats great about it. Poeple are just jelous because they would like a house like that, but just think, all the people they help have either sick kids or a sick themself etc. I would rather live in a normal house with my daughter healthy!


Great point, Horlicks1!
