MovieChat Forums > Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (2003) Discussion > Extreme Makeover Home For Sale Because O...

Extreme Makeover Home For Sale Because Owner Can Not Afford To Maintain

I caught this story from the Associated Press regarding Eric Herbert in Sandpoint, Idaho who is putting up the home that was built for him and his 11 year old nieces. According to the story he can't afford to maintain the home.

I don't know if this is a first, but this is something I always guessed would end up happening to some of the families who are in dire straights to begin with and are then given a mini-mansion.

Here's the link...


The family in Camden NJ had the same financial hardship.

It's kind of an odd situation. A family is having financial difficulties so they can't afford to keep up their home. So they get a new house but now they can't afford to keep up the new house.


Putting up a nice house in Camden and expecting it to stay like that is like insane. It would just scream "ROB AND VANDALIZE ME!"


It was my understanding that when the houses are built, they are bought and paid for. If someone is incapable of coming up with a few thousand dollars a year for taxes and utilities along with living expenses of course, that's pathetic. If they were to rent an apartment or house, they would still have to come up with several thousands of dollars a year for utilities and living expenses not to mention rent. I mean that's life, we have to earn a living no matter what, if we want to continue living that is. I would think that people who have just been handed a house free and clear would be way ahead of the rest of us. My property taxes last year were just under 8k for a 3300 sq ft home which is located in a county which is known for their high property taxes so I can't imagine many of these houses having taxes that much higher than mine, if they're higher at all.

I know there are certain cases where a single person is incapable of working a full time job due to some disability but I don't think those cases are the norm for these families. In most of them, there are two parents with at least one of them able to work. If just one of the spouses works full time, there should be more than enough income to pay taxes, utilities and live probably at a higher standard of living than they used to live before EMHE.

Anyway, I think most of these families have a huge advantage over the rest of us and if they can not come up with their taxes, utilities and living expenses, I'm dumbfounded as to what more can be done for them.

That's just my .02 cents.

LOL!! Made you Look!!



I just posted in another thread about this family (the Marreros)from NJ. I was wondering whatever happened to these guys. The father didn't have a job to begin with because of his heart. But when he saw the house you wouldn't have been able to tell he had health problems. Hmmmmmm


I imagine that happens a lot. How are a bunch of people on welfare and food stamps gonna pay a fortune every year in property taxes? We all know how it is. The damn govt. never has enough money and they tax the hell out of the middle class. Now that these people living in poverty have middle class homes built for them, they can't pay the taxes on them and if it's in some black or mexican urban area they probably have the place all tore up in no time anyway.


Hey, it's NOT just the property taxes. The whole show puts them to living way above their means, so the utility bills can be too much also.

~I can sing better than Taylor Hicks!


Hey, it's NOT just the property taxes. The whole show puts them to living way above their means, so the utility bills can be too much also.

That's true.

90% of the stuff that Ty and his crew put into the homes make them so much more expensive for the families who live in them. I don't get why they just don't cancel this damn show already. Ty and his crew are trying to do some good for the families, but in the end, they just end up causing more trouble.

If I had known that that kind of thing was frowned upon...

-George Castanza


Most of the houses are HUGE and high maintenace. I can see the initial thrill for the families, but I always think "how the hell would you keep that house clean and tidy,never nind the utility bills". Those homes are like white elephants, they don't have to be so grand, just liveable...


Most of the houses are HUGE and high maintenace. I can see the initial thrill for the families, but I always think "how the hell would you keep that house clean and tidy,never nind the utility bills". Those homes are like white elephants, they don't have to be so grand, just liveable...

I agree, however, if the houses aren't grand, the designers aren't able to showcase their many talents. As far as their size go, most of the ones I've seen haven't been that huge but the way they are layed out makes them look bigger than they really are.

LOL!! Made you Look!!


As far as their size go, most of the ones I've seen haven't been that huge but the way they are layed out makes them look bigger than they really are.

But there's still the fact that they have so many higher utility bills and upkeep costs that they have to sort out, but they don't have the MONEY to maintain all of that.

I swear, the things that they put and install into the houses they build could suit an entire neighborhood. Geez.

If I had known that that kind of thing was frowned upon...

-George Castanza


But there's still the fact that they have so many higher utility bills and upkeep costs that they have to sort out, but they don't have the MONEY to maintain all of that.

I agree that the utilities and upkeep are now higher than what they once were in their previous homes but when you off set that with the fact that they now have no house payment or rent, it would seem that they would be way ahead of the rest of us. Of course, that was before 4 dollars a gallon for gas, which is hurting everyone.

I swear, the things that they put and install into the houses they build could suit an entire neighborhood. Geez.

Very true.

LOL!! Made you Look!!


I read somewhere that the families are given money for maintenance of the house. The family whose house is being foreclosed on in Georgia was given $250,000, from what I understand, to maintain the house and that they instead spent all the money on themselves.


I read somewhere that the families are given money for maintenance of the house. The family whose house is being foreclosed on in Georgia was given $250,000, from what I understand, to maintain the house and that they instead spent all the money on themselves.


i believe this is correct as well. I think they invested money into a construction business that didnt make it, so their house was foreclosed on. They do give them mony for maintanace while they get back on their feet.


It was my understanding that when the houses are built, they are bought and paid for. If someone is incapable of coming up with a few thousand dollars a year for taxes and utilities along with living expenses of course, that's pathetic.

I don't think so. I think if that were the case, they would make it a part of the show. I only remember one episode where they made a big deal out of giving them a check to pay off their mortgage, so I don't think it happens with everyone.

You're so ugly, it's a fact!


It should also be noted that alot of the homes built more recently have a "green" spin, try to use solar power, have special water heaters etc to cut down on utilities. And quite honestly if you're smart about it even in a mansion a utility bill can be very low. Try not leaving every light on in your home, taking shorter showers, cooking on a semi schedule so you don't have 9 ppl all cooking at random points in the day, and even unplugging appliances when you don't use them can do wonders.


of course everyone that has ever looked into "green" heaters and utilities knows that there are huge commitments of time and money to maintain these systems, which is the real reason few people use them


I don't know.

I just watched the one where this poor woman who already had 4 kids of her own had to take in her sister's TEN kids when her sister died.

The house is more than they will be able to manage--property tax-wise and utility-wise.

They put in theatrical lights with GELS in the girls' room.

Are they really going to go and buy new gels when they scorch through?

Christ on a bike! That is impractical and ridiculous.

There are 15 people there!

Plus, it sends the property taxes up all over the neighborhood.

If it's in a sort of BAD neighborhood, the equity will never be quite there as they will never be able to sell it for what it's worth.

That family in Georgia had an inflated value home in a low value neighborhood, and they were given a ridiculous loan based on the (as we now know) crooked and stupid dealings of financial institutions over the last few years.

And yeah, they were stupid for putting up their home to start a construction business (if they knew anything about construction, why was their first house in total disrepair?). But anyone who would give $400,000.00 to someone whose home was in a neighborhood where most of the other homes weren't even worth $100,000.00, AND it was for a risky business venture, is a jackass as well.

YES, they have a house and it's paid for, but they in for something they are completely unprepared for and I seriously doubt that the show gives them any real advice or guidance in that.

I HOPE they'll be able to cope with it, but it's a lot to deal with when you may not have the experience or income to deal with it.


Plus if they are given a pool, that costs to maintain and you have to have insurance on it too. Not to mention the hot tubs that have to be maintained.


Sad part is, the family used the home for collateral for their business that fell through. It wasn't that they couldn't afford their home, BUT that they made a bad business investment using it as collateral. Even the news articles point this out... That's been the only case of a family not being able to live in their house anymore, and the only reason that happened was because the family screwed up with it, nothing more, nothing less... and this even happened before the "great gas scare of '08"


"I don't think so. I think if that were the case, they would make it a part of the show. I only remember one episode where they made a big deal out of giving them a check to pay off their mortgage, so I don't think it happens with everyone."

-This a couple months late, but I always assumed that when they give these houses to these people they are completely paid off in full. That wouldn't make much sense to build these large million dollar extravagant homes for people and then expect them to pay the daunting mortgage payment. What would the gift be? A low interest rate? About the episode referred to by the above quote...I saw this episode too and I believe they paid off the old house's mortgage in addition to the new home that they built. I'm sure there have been some unique cases but if all the people have to be responsible for is the property taxes and utilities, I don't see the problem with that. No one can get EVERYTHING for free. I'm sure the show's producers do background checks on the salaries of the potential contestants to make sure that they have enough to pay for the everyday costs of these home's upkeep.

"Death by stereo" -The Lost Boys


not too long ago, there was an article in USA today about a family who was on this show, and was losing their new home due to foreclosure. even one of the crew members/ people associated w/ the show said it was pathetic (not really that word, but something like it haha) that the family reached out for help, they received this new house and take it forgranted. pretty sad...


"that the family reached out for help, they received this new house and take it forgranted. pretty sad..."

-Yeah I don't feel bad for people like that when that happens, if they're going to be irresponsible idiots, that's there own fault.

"Death by stereo" -The Lost Boys


Alot of jealous haters on this board. Why else would people be so insensitive on folks losing thier homes? Why would there be threads saying the homes are too nice.

"...insert corny quote here"


Alot of jealous haters on this board. Why else would people be so insensitive on folks losing thier homes? Why would there be threads saying the homes are too nice.

I don't think that we're all saying the houses are "too nice." I'm not, anyway. My point is that families who are in dire straights cannot always afford to maintain a house that is four or five times the size of their original home. There is more to owning a home than paying for the actual structure. As others have noted, property taxes increase as the value of the home increases. Also utility costs increase. Someone suggested being more frugal with electricity use, but that only goes so far. Can you imagine how much it costs to heat a home with 20-foot ceiling?

I think everyone on the show has been through something horrific (death in the family, health problems, fire, etc.) happen to them which led to them being in a a difficult situation. The house is a band-aid. When EM:HE gives them the house, they should also help them get back on their feet so that they can afford to keep the home.

You're so ugly, it's a fact!
