Dirty Feet

I know this sounds really silly but i always wonder why when the house is finished and the family are showed into the house why they don't ever take their shoes off. I remember watching one show where is was raining cats and dogs outside then they all just walked in the house with filthy feet. If i was the new owner of a lovely house like that i would be like "shoes off, no shoes in the house". I always wonder if when the families are being shown round their new house if the mum is thinking "oh my god, how am i gonna keep this clean". They need cleaners the houses are so big.

Really stupid but thats the kind of things i think about.

I do love this show, but i find all the crying so over the top, maybe its the conservative English in me, we don't show emotions, it would be a handshake! lol


I don't know about that point in time, but once they have the floors down and cleaned up, they do make all the workers/volunteers put on over-the-shoes booties before they can enter the house (on-screen talent seemed to be exempt from that rule). It's not so bad when the weather is good, since you can just pop the booties off when you go back outside and tuck them in a pocket, but we had it start raining on Thursday, and after walking over dirt roads in work boots, they end up filled with globs of mud by the time you get back outside, and there was no way anyone was going to try to reuse them. As a result, on Friday, they actually ran out of new ones at one point, and if you didn't have a fresh pair tucked into your pocket, or you didn't mind pulling used ones out of bags where they were collecting them, you weren't allowed back in the house until they got a fresh supply on-site.


From your post it sounds like you have worked on an episode. If you have which one?

I did notice all the workers wearing the booties when going in the house but the families never do and they go running all over the house with dirty shoes.


I think the same thing!! I don't think they install carpet in any of these homes, can you imagine the sweeping and mopping involved on a day to day basis??! Not to mention the high ceilings that collect dust and spiderwebs, the landscaping that has to be maintained, and the odd things that are custom-made leaves me wondering how do they keep those things dusted.


I don't know where you're getting that. I've seen a lot of episodes where the families have their shoes off when they're shown in the house.
