MovieChat Forums > Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (2003) Discussion > A little overthemed for children's bedro...

A little overthemed for children's bedrooms?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great what they do for people, but there's just one thing that really gets to me.

On an episode I watched, the woman asked the kid what his favorite animal was and he barely replied, and she found a stuffed penguin and asked "You like penguins?", then sure enough, this kids room was decked out like an iceberg and filled with 2937429734 stuffed penguin toys.

I just don't like how they take one thing that they sort of kinda like and decorate their room based on that one thing.

I mean what about when that kid grows up? He'll be a 15 year old kid sleeping in penguin land.


I do also find it a bit over the top. I mean like you said, the kid is going to grow up. Even if they are like 6 years old, love Dinosaurs and get a room filled with them chances are that in a few years they grow out of Dinosaurs. Same with pirates. The rooms do look amazing and as a child I would've loved to have some of those rooms (actually any room, any house on that show I would love to have)but I would be interested to see a house from the first season with a themed room and how it looks now once the child has grown up a bit.


It's not so bad if they have a themed room where it's easy to change out the themed elements, but they always do these complex installations and built-ins. Sure the families can demo that stuff out when the time comes, but can they really afford to make the room look as nice as the others afterward? In many cases they would have to do major reconstruction just to get some of those rooms to look normal again.


The only episode that really irked me was the one with the boy, how go a fricking snow machine in his bedroom... A *beep* SNOW MACHINE! Can you say over used mold producer?

Straight, but NOT Narrow Minded



They are very over the top, but that's entertainment for ya! I mean, with some themes even as the kid gets older I think it would be a kind of cool room to have. The kid might not mind too much because it was done especially for them and they have the happy memory attached to it of the entire experience. I saw an episode where they built a life size dollhouse in half of the little girl's room for her to play in, and a lot of people responded about her growing out of it and then what will she do? Well, I figure she won't be the right size for it before too long but what a neat thing to have in your room! Even as a teenager it would be so bad, it's kind of cool. It kind of depends on the kid's own ability to let things roll off her back, too, like instead of finding it embarassing, how about having friends over and making it into a cool thing or rolling your eyes when you get teased a little for it. But you're right, sometimes the rooms are too extreme and too hard to transition.

I've also totally noticed that sometimes they take one little thing (like penguins or something.. because maybe there were two penguin stuffed toys in the girl's room) and blow the child's interest in it out of proportion. They'll take something a little random and gush about how much the kid loves it though as far as we can tell the designer pretty much suggested the whole thing and the little kid just nodded because what little girl isn't going to nod on TV when a nice stanger is asking them if the like flowers or shopping or something genertically little girlish.

I always think that if they were coming to my house I'd wish later that I'd had a chance to hide some stuff in my room so they don't get any crazy ideas - like just because there's a mirror in my room doesn't mean I want a whole wall covered in them or just because there's a painting of a unicorn on my wall doesn't mean I want a decked out magical creature room. Ya know? Most of the time it really seems like they're listening to the kids and they do a great job, but every once and a while I think they're stretching it. In some cases you wish they'd just ask the parents - off camera even - and find out what the kids are really into and do something creative with that, whatever it is, instead of just picking out the thing that will make the most impressive design.

Some of the rooms are so exagerated that I think they might be a little scary for the younger kids too!

Anyway, in general they do amazing work! The kids rooms are always exciting to watch them design. And the reveals are my favorite!



The little girl from the first episode, (I think it the family were called Powers or something like that) got a dolls house room with a 4 year old sized mouse hole so she could crawl through to a secret room, how will she be able to get through when she's a teenager!

maybe its written.


I think they are way overthemed. Yea, it's great if your 10 to have say a jungle room. Or 8 and have a pink barbie themed room. But how is a 10 yr old boy-at 16 or 17, going to explain to his girl friend his race car bedroom or a 19 year old young woman going to explain to her boyfriend her barbie themed room?

Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap


I agree with everyone here. I wouldn't be surprised if, over time, the families make modifications to the rooms to suit their changing needs and tastes. The theme rooms make good TV, so that's why they do it. You can do a theme room without going overboard, but when you're a TV show you have to make things more splashy and entertaining. Plus, they like to show off their design and construction skills. :)

Also keep in mind that these kids are usually deprived and are ecstatic to get any room where they don't have to sleep on a mattress on a floor with their five brothers and sisters (I'm exaggerating, but you get the point). Even if they outgrow their rooms in a few years, at least they have a decent room.


What happens, if your 10 and get a my little pony room and you fast forward 5 or 6 years and the girl brings home her boyfriend (or girlfriends or whatever) and they see the my little pony room she's outgrown?

Talk about AWKWARD.

I hope the producers make the rooms easy enough to modify as the young kids grow.

Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap

