When did it jump the shark?

I think I watched one episode all of last season. It just stopped working for me. How many others? I guess those others may not come to this message board, but I think the "genuineness" of the show was lost after the 3rd season. Now, it is all about hyping products, some families whose stories, let's face it, are not heart wrenching. Many of the families created their own mess. I mean, if you can't afford to buy a home, and have it properly inspected, then don't buy it. Live in an apartment. It took me to age 40 before I could afford a home of my own, and I paid the 300$ to make sure I wasn't getting a freaking cess-pool. So, why are we positively reinforcing these bad decisions? I think the rare "everything was going well with our reno until dad died, or became disabled" is not common anymore.

Anyway, there is nothing better on today so I thought I would watch it and see if I can capture the heart like the first few episodes.



If I NEVER see Patricia Freaking Heaton again in my life it will be too soon!!!!

That thing at the potting wheel...I wanted to heave!!!

So this show is going to be a bald-face commercial for ABC and Disney stars and shows now? Every five minutes let's fawn over our celebrity guest star?

No thanks, ABC....no thanks.

(p.s. - So did they get that green paint tonight for free? That's the only reason I could think of for painting the outside of a house that color.)

Last night, I was lying back looking at the stars and I thought...where the *beep* is my ceiling???


Yes, as soon as I saw the commercial for her new tv show during Desparate, I got it. That is why all of the "stars" will be coming, as yet another vehicle to promote their wares. At least they attempted to make these houses somewhat green. Since money is no issue, I really do not understand why they don't just put solar panels on every home.

The potting wheel thing, in my opinion, the week following Patrick Swayze's death was not only distasteful, but down right disrespectful. I realize that this was filmed before his death, but they should have edited that out. I hope his widow and Demi Moore did not see that scene.

And, for those of you who many not know what "Jump the Shark" means, it refers to that episode of a regular tv series that makes a leap so bad, that every future show is rediculous.
