Family that DESPERATELY needs EMHE

A family in our community has 5 children with the Autism Spetrum Disorder (ASD) including a set of Identical Twins.... and the father was just tragically killed in a car accident. We are trying to get this family a home makeover on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Please go to the facebook page Extreme Wilson Makeover and show your support. Let's get this SO deserving family an EXTREME MAKEOVER for their home!!!!




the decision to help any family is up to abc. imdb posters are not part of any decision.

i hope they get some help but i doubt this will help. online petitions are never taken seriously.


Well did they send in a video? Or did any members of the community send something for them? I think many people sending videos/letters into ABC is what would get them a better chance of getting on the show. Good luck!


You can send in a video for them and explain.

I'm watching an episode right now where someone send in an application FOR someone else for saving someone life, the denoted bone marrow. It's the last episode of the first season I think.

That family that got picked didn't even send in an application, so it could happen for you to.
