favorite character

I was just wondering who everbody's favorite builder was, like (Ty, Paul, Ed, Paige, Michael, Preston, etc.)

Personally mine is Paul, he always makes me laugh.

Who is yours??


ed! he is very snazy

It is an extra dividend when you like the girl you`ve fallen in love with.
-Clark Gable


Ty IMO, he's crazy! Lol! Then Page, Then Michael.

Lady GaGa
The Fame Ball
House Of Blues
Orlando, Florida
Monday, April 6th, 2009


Good question!

Ty of course is great, but he's not my favorite.

I've always loved Michael, you've got to love the one gay guy on the show! He's such a sweetie, too, and a great designer!

Paulie is so funny and handsome, and really great with kids.

Ed is charming, and Preston... he's so handsome! He has that bad boy appeal but with a sweet sensitive side too. I like Eduardo aswell, but I'm not so impressed with Johnny. Rib is cute, but I haven't seen that much of him!

As for the girls... I like Paige, but she's a little fake sometimes. I mean, well, most of them seem a little fake sometimes (it must be exhausting being that emotional that much of the time - an incredibly fulfilling job, I'd love to do it - but really tiring!)

My favorite female designer is Tracy. She's so sweet and pretty. I like Tanya too.

I don't like Connie, though, or Didi.

Oh, I love this show! And typically on every episode there's at least one or two really popular designers, like Paulie or Michael, Ed or Paige. I always look forward to the very begining of the episode when you get to see everyone in the bus and you find out who you is gonna be there that week (I think I'm always most excited when I see Paulie!) I've definately noticed that some of the cast are more commonly featured then others. It's nice to know that you can (for the most part) count on Ty to always be there.... gotta love Ty!


Ed is definately my favorite.

Michael comes in second and then Ty.

Formerly Known As David-Indiana On IMDb


Ed Sanders because he's british and he's made it....

Dude, Bro. Mayhem


Ed! He is my fave.

I like Ty very much because he brings so much energy to the show and funny moments with his actions but Ed is my fave...def.


Ty (for the obvious reasons)
Ed ( because he's a smart sensitive man, who has really nice insights)
and Paul (he is FAN-TAS-TIC with kids, and often takes a look at the bigger picture)


I like Paul, Ed and Ty and Paige.

Didi is just too narcissistic and fake for my liking ...

Tracy isn't bad either ...


I like Didi because her Australian accent made me "wow, that girl is good and she is very pretty" but also like Constance, Tanaya, Paige, Tracy, Eduardo, Preston and Ed. I just don't like Ty (what up with attiude? is he having a meltdown or something?) and Michael (why his voice sound like very gruff and snarky when he talk on the show?).
