Doing up the kids rooms??

why do they do the kids rooms up in the ridiculous themed way?
these kids arent guna be kids for ever. they are guna grow out of those rooms pretty fast, then what are they guna do? refurnish and paint the kids rooms again? arent these people supposed to be deathly poor?
which is another thing, all these people seem to have nicer houses than me to start off with!! haha.


I know! Princesses are great when you're five years old, but sixteen...not so much!


and sometimes it doesnt seem like the kid may like the theme THAT much.
Some kids are and really keep liking something for a very long time but sometimes they ask a kid "what do you like" boy says "cars" or he wants to be a doctor so they make him a room like that but maybe he just said something cause they asked but doesn't like the theme THAT much.

I got twin Goddaughters. One has liked "Belle" from Disney for awhile and LOVES the color yellow because of Belle's dress. Now that shes 8 she still loves yellow. Shes also been talking of being a veterinarian since she was about 4 and now that shes almost 9 she still wants to be a vet but she also took up violin and loves that too.
Not all kids are like that though her sister changes more. Shes been wanting to be a vet, doctor, singer, dancer thats the way MOST kids are. So to make such a lavish theme of what they liked when they were 5 may be something else when they are 7, but they got these rooms with permanent fixtures of what they liked when they were 5. It gets worse when they are teenagers or even end up having to sell the house because they cant afford it anymore.


Remember that guy he was like 18 years old? He wanted to be an EMT and they bult him and ambulence bed! Really?


I remember that! And of course there was the girl in her twenties or something who wanted to be a firefighter! Didn't they decorate her room like a fire truck or something? They over do it.


A 20 year old girl got a firetruck room? Really? That is cute for a five year old's playroom.


Yeah. It was this episode where there were all these kids(well not kids. They were in their teens and twenties) who's parents died. There was only one guy in the family so he got his own bathroom whilst the girls got almost like a dorm bathroom with a row of sinks and toilets, etc. The girl who got the firetruck room was in her late teens/early twenties. It was weird.


Items can be removed and put into storage (which the houses probably have plenty of) or they can have a bang up garage sale of the items they remove which will pay for the paint and any holes that have to be patched in the walls. Paint is the cheapest form of redecorating. Some of the items can be re-purposed. Trim can be removed or added. They can watch HGTV for ideas (such shows as Design on a Dime) and also look at magazines and home decorating books, which can be checked out of the local library at no cost (unless you keep them out past the due date) and look online for ideas.

Imitation is the sincerest form of television.
Fred Allen


Paint is the cheapest form of redecorating.

Not if you're as poor as these families lead us to believe they really are. And who pays the taxes on these homes? I'm sure these families who write in saying they can barely put food on the table really have cable and watch HGTV as they're struggling to take care of all 5 of their disadvantaged foster kids to look for ideas on redecorating a toddler's princess themed room.


LOL, I was laughing with my kids about that tonight - the episode we watched had them asking one of the daughters what she wanted to do when she grew up and she said she wanted to be a nurse, so they were trawling a nursing school looking for hospital paraphanalia! I quite like cooking but I wouldn't want my bedroom to be full of pots and pans :)


Remember the kid who liked to draw technical stuff, and put things together, and so they pretty much made his room a D.I.Y room, in that he had to assemble it all together and his wall paper was blue prints. I think its a bit safer to go wilder with teens than say the kids, because you all have made the perfect point, kids change what they want to be, or what they are into every so many days to years. At lest by the time your a teenager what your into has been sealed so that's good.


Boy is that true!!

When I was a kid I wanted to be a dentist, then I wanted to be an actress, then I wanted to be a singer, then I wanted to be a ballerina, then I wanted to be a librarian. And then I wanted to open a no kill animal shelter and wanted to be a veternarian. The point is, kids change their minds ALOT! What they love one day, they can hate the next,


Always going with themed rooms has never made sense to me either. Especially when it seems like these kids will grow out of these themes very quick.


Some of the themed rooms have been cute but I agree with others the rooms are overdone and I bet some kids would get tired of those rooms after a month. Also the career theme rooms are kind of dumb. Kids, teens and adults change their goals often. One of my friends from high school entered college planning to be a nurse and four years later she had a business degree and was entering a MBA program.


Although they do get carried away, can't blame them really. Almost every family has the same thing. Junior has pink elphants and blue hippos, etc. in his nursery. Then he gets a paint job and re-decoration when he gets about school age or before. He loves blue, cries and begs, gets a blue room, Then he hits about ten, and loves sports, so here comes another paint job to match his team's colors, and lots of sprts stuff arrives on the walls. Now in middle school, he decides music, heavy metal rock music, is the thing, so maybe some darker colors, new posters, some new stereo equipment. Then high school, gotta have the cool room the babe posters, cars are now in since he can drive.

Just saying most families go thru changes, not just EMHE families.

"If at first you don't suceed, skydiving is NOT for you!"


But does he have a dinosour head coming out of the wall? It's gotta cost a fortune to redo most of these rooms as the kids grow up.


I've never understand the career/hobby theme room either. There was a girl who was a bit gothic/emo they did her room like the House of Dracula. Weird.

Le bonheur c'est d'avoir beaucoup de passions et beaucoup de moyen pour les satisfaire


In the first series there was a mother who had two kids under 5 and had triplets on the way and was desperate for more space, So they added on 1 small room which just about held the three cots...what happens in a couple of years when they need to add beds¿?¿? ....they also built a water feature in the garden...obviously to kill off by drowning a couple of the toddlers so the space issue woulnt be a problem!!!


I have to agree-the theme rooms are overdone. I'd love to see a nice, generic kid friendly room and then a themed playroom.

When that 5 year old pretty pink princess lover turns 16, she's going to have a hard time explaing her princess themed room to her friends. Same with a boy-a 5 yr old boy into Thomas the tank engine is going to have a hard time explaining his room to the guys when he's 17.

Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap


I always thought that too about the kids rooms, especially when it's very themed like Sesame Street or princess or things built into the walls. Even if they theme it for small children there shouldn't be anything that's difficult to move or build into the wall if they'll grow out of it.


Anyone remember the "Wiggles" themed room? That one really had me scratching my head.

I like doing themes, but not characters. Mostly colors, shapes, stripes, and textures.


I remember the Wiggles room. At the time that episode aired I was visiting some relatives and my cousin's husband could stop laughing.


My room used to be a "Barbie" room when I was little but now my room is full of Disney stuff and Top Gear (UK). Yeah, I agree with all of the posts and they should re- decorate the kid's room befor they outgrown with the kiddie stuff such as Barney, Teletubbies, Wiggles; etc.


Totally agree about the overdone kids rooms. It is the one thing that really bugs me about the show. I was watching last night with my two kids, and they both agreed with me that the kids rooms were ridiculous and over the top. How about just a nice, basic, Pottery Barn Kids style room?
