MovieChat Forums > Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (2003) Discussion > Didn't this show used to be different?

Didn't this show used to be different?

When this show started, didn't they make moderate changes to normal people's homes - people who just won the luck of the draw as far as writing in to the show? Now it's a contest to see who has the biggest sob story, and then go overboard with the gifts. Oh, and gratuitous closeups of the sponsor's products. How generous of them. And the designer lady sits there crying on the bus while thinking of princess/skateboard ideas that won't be appropriate past the kid's 5th birthday.

I make it a point not to watch this show but I was forced to watch an episode the other night. The Simpson family had the blind kid and bricks all around their house. Ok the house is dangerous - so rent an apartment that's safer? Why does that mean you get a brand new mansion?

Also they gave an engagement ring to a FRIEND of the couple! So now you don't even have to have a disadvantaged child - just know someone who does! Unreal.






"Yeah, they didn't go all out in the beginning as they didn't have the money. Now they have more sponsors to build and give more."

kil grey,
actually, they are building houses that are less extravagant than they used to be and sponsors have backed out or cut way back due to the economy.

when the show began the houses were bigger and the furnishings were better.
there are fewer computers, big screen tv's and cars than there were in the beginning.
