MovieChat Forums > Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (2003) Discussion > we hve to find a way to stop the canulat...

we hve to find a way to stop the canulation

we have to find a way to stop it i mean this is gone to over board with shows being canceled. First Bionic Wowman then Knight Rider No Onrnay Family the cape Charlie's Angels now Pan Am this is so stupid remeber back then we loved ABC it had shows that went on for months. Remeber TGIF and al the cool shows now there making Tv not like a place to watch anymore.


P.s. we have to save Home Make Over

Bond James Bond


what's a canulation?


I mean cancellation sorry

Bond James Bond


I can't believe that the show is getting cancelled after 9 seasons but at least it had a decent run.


From what i read it had to do with Friday's date

Bond James Bond
