No idea we're coming...

I kind of wonder about the truthfulness of Ty's weekly declaration before arriving at that week's family's home when he says "they have no idea we're coming". What are the odds that every single time the entire family happens to be home, fully dressed and ready to run outside when they arrive? Love the show, but just saying. ;)

Please do not attack me for my opinions...we're all entitled to them.


i don't believe the families don't know they're coming. they're up, dressed, make up on, hair done, coats one and very excited. i don't think they'd be that excited if they didn't have time to prepare.

ever notice most have new sneakers on when they leave the house?


don't forget they are also already mike'd up and ready


Very can usually see the battery packs for the mikes.
And how can they not hear that giant bus pulling up?
Please do not attack me for my opinions...we're all entitled to them.


From what I've read, there are 3 families that are prepared just in case they show up.


Now that makes sense :) I've always wondered how a TV crew can just come in and say "You are going to Disney World, and we are redoing your place" without some foresight.




From what I've read, there are 3 families that are prepared just in case they show up.

How much does that suck for the other two families?

I saw [vampires]before they were trendy!


Yes and no, they know EM is coming. I know this for a fact. Last week I worked on the Knoxville, Tn. build, and was told by the crew/site producer that the process is really drawn out. They first narrow it down to a state, then region, then family. This is because "the makeover is not really a home makeover as it is a community makeover. It takes the entire neighborhood being cooperative, as there is a lot of things behind the scenes such as port-a-potties, evening lighting, noise, etc. that involves everybody around the site.", as it was explained to me. He went further by saying that sometimes they are denied the necessary build permits, therefore some families cannot be made over even though they might be the best candidates. The Watson family new that they were in the running with one other family for quite a while, but did not know they were the ones chosen until a few days before the door knock. Hope this helps!

By the way, if you see the Knoxville episode around Thanksgiving this year and see Ty interviewing "Rob Poston", that would be me. :+) It was sort of strange seeing the home decorated for Thanksgiving as we were building it in January.
