The Last Episode

So, I have just seen the preview (while watching The Bachelor)and it showed the tornado diaster that happened not to long ago. He says he is going to remodeled the whole nieghborhood, but then appears, in big, bold letters "7 Homes, 7 Families"? I'm pretty sure there was/are more families then that.

Why is everyone so hostile today? Must be the school lunch. (shrugs)


There were far more affected by the tornado in the town of Joplin, Missouri...but they did rebuild a neighborhood of 7 homes as promised, not the whole town.
There is no definitive definition of "neighborhood" based on number of homes, really. It was quite an accomplishment to get 7 homes built from scratch in one week. Great finale!
Please do not attack me for my opinions...we're all entitled to them.


we can still get Home Makover back becasue ABC is wrong to cancel it. See all they do is cancel shows i remeber reading that the reason the ratings went down becasue it was on friday nights so if we all work together we can show that this show needs more seasons it was good and about helping good pepole in need. I was going to be on the show in 2004 but my grand mother did not want the house remodeled it was in her will she wants it sold when it is her time. So i am saying why are we letting the networks win when we should do what Wilton Knight would say "One Man Can Make A Diffrince"


Bond James Bond


No, I'm glad they cancel it. The ratings went down because all of the good new shows are coming on and they can't compete with that. (Nikita, New Girl, Glee, Sports etc.)

Why is everyone so hostile today? Must be the school lunch. (shrugs)


It is not right to feel happy a show like this is gone it had about heroes and things I'm
Shocked at today's pepole

Bond James Bond


I am pretty sure that the people who lost perfectly (or not) good homes because of this show. I mean seriously? Just because I like to read doesn't mean I need a bed made of books or something ridiculous as that. I do have other hobbies you know.

Why is everyone so hostile today? Must be the school lunch. (shrugs)


We need to show abc there wrong this show is so
Much better

Bond James Bond


Good luck with that...

Why is everyone so hostile today? Must be the school lunch. (shrugs)


We can try

Bond James Bond


They can't rebuild the entire city, unfortunately.
Here in Knoxville, they came down to 2 families. The deciding factor was in the Watson family who has dedicated their home to taking in single mothers. This charity work put them over the edge, and therefore their home was done. I just spent last week as a skilled laborer building the houses. It was a lot of fun.
