stop what you are doing

and go see this movie...
When it finished I couldn't get out of my seat.

My only wonderment: Don't the people who do subtitles look at them on the big screen before sending it out for distribution. Why would anyone with a brain stick the subtitles in white on a pale background? They are really hard to see.

Can someone answer that?


I could not agree more. Wow. One of of the best movies I have seen and tells you a lot about things one should/might want to know.

No idea about the subtitles....I am no native speaker in English and my French sucks but somtimes i was puzzled about the translations (saw it with English subtitles)....maybe should watch it a second time.

Would be great if this film could be considered for some international awards and that way draw more attention to the subjects shown in the film.



The color (and size) of subtitles can be trickier than it looks. Just as the yellow or white titles are hard to read over the light backgrounds, dark subtitles can be impossible to read when the bottom of the screen is dark. Most filmmakers don't want them to be too contrasting a color (like say, red) as it can be overly distracting to the images on screen.

I agree they could have done a bit better with the titles (the scenes where they appeared over a white bedsheet were particularly tough) but this a common complaint without an easy solution.


I think the best plan would be to use white subtitles outlined in black. Isn't that a possibility? Then there would be no problem, whatever colour the background is.


that's exactly what i thought of as i walked out of the theatre. Excellent movie.


The problem is that nowadays, the majority of foreign-language movies are "laser-subtitled," which means a laser literally etches the subtitles into an existing print of the film. It saves producers and studios lots of money because otherwise, you would have to make separate negatives with their own subtitles for each country which requires a dialogue translation; here, you just strike the same prints from the one negative and then burn in the right language on each one. Of course, just as you said, if you have a scene with white or pale imagery where the laser is etching the text, the viewer can barely read it.

One can only hope that this problem will not be present when the film arrives on DVD.


The subtitles are projected on a different track than the movie.


I haven't truly seen a movie since LOTR that I thought was a real 10/10 movie. This movie .. is just that. It is a definite 10/10. I simply will never forget it! I must say, this movie outshines most hollywood movies, even the good ones! (I am not ragging on my hometown, but poorer movies seems to outpace the really good ones these days).

Hence, I agree with this topic: If you are looking for a movie that you haven't seen yet, and can live outside the realm of Comedy/Romance or Action films (which is most always my own prefernece), then this drama is simply incredible and is a must-see. The script, acting, and direction all are perfect (I thought Monster was also really good awhile back).

I also agree, that this movie should be considered for awards from every organization that gives them out. I hope that wish is realized, as it deserves it
