Politics over the future safety of the American People!

It seems that the Anti-War Liberal Left Wing of Hollywood would rather propagate HATE against George Bush, rather than HATE against the EVIL Terrorist regime who have attacked us many times now. They would rather divide this great country instead of having us unite for a common cause, for America, and for the future of our children. There's is a blind partisanship where no facts will change their mind. As is the case of Michael Moore. With the exception of the Lincoln presidency, never has there been such a partisan attack against George Bush a sitting President. Books, Movies, MoveOn.org, Active Opposition, and of course the Liberal media all with an agenda to eliminate George Bush. Which makes me want him more.


Right on! I haven't seen such a good post on this website...... ever! And I don't truly believe people are going to vote for Senator John Kerry on his beliefs (which he is still yet to really say), I believe people are voting for or against Bush.

The candiate the gets my vote is the one that will cut taxs, because personally I would do just fine in life without Social Security. And I'm sick of seeing my friends get on medicaid so they can fake a sickness to get prescription drugs so they can sell them on the streets. As a young working American, I pay more for these perscriptions then these "Government supplied Drug Dealers" do and they are the ones making an extra $300 a month of medicaid. And I am the one paying for my health care and I still have co-pays. Medicaid is the health care money cannot buy.


I personally like Bush more than Kerry - but the prez is not getting my vote.

The 9/11 (bipartisan) commission said that our actions in Iraq have made us MORE vulnerable to a terrorist attack.

Bush has spent BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars for this war - and it's not done yet. Please wager this in when you're talking about spending on health care.

I appreciate that Bush is very motivated and aggressive to stop terrorism - but this is not a war against nations - it's a war against the minds of many radical individuals. We need to fight this war, not with big bombs, but with intelligence. Big bombs kill people and make people angry. These are more people that want revenge against the US. Haven't you seen Batman? Imagine thousands of little Bruce Wayne's with nothing to loose funded by Middle East oil billionares.

It's sad when you have to vote AGAINST someone and not FOR something. But we get the choice once every four years so...



I particularly think that the idea of tax cuts for wealthier Americans is important for stimulating the economy. I represent the wealthier American who benefits from the cuts so I may be biased, but common sense dictates that wealthier people invest and save much more than middle and lower class citizens who tend to spend all of their money.

That's funny, because people who spend money increase the GNP, and people that hoard it do not. People that spend money increase tax revenue, people who hoard it do not. People that spend money grow the economy, people that hoard it do not.

So, by your own "reasoning", it's people like you that damage the economy. If nobody spent their money, there would be no economy at all, stupid. The whole idea behind "Reaganomics" was that the wealthier people would spend their money to reinvest it, thereby giving more opportunities to grow the economy - not just to squirrel it away. You just demonstrated why it doesn't work.



Did I say that wealthy people hoard all of their money? I said wealthy people save *and* invest more money.

You also said that poor people spend all of their money.

And since they do, they contribute to the GDP more than you'll ever be able.

Reaganomics doubled our national debt in 8 years, and we have a 7 trillion dollar debt now. We've never paid down the debt - even when we had the opportunity, and as a result, this nation will go bankrupt just like Argentina did, and the Soviet Union.

What's up with the hostility? I state my own opinions and you resort to insults. That just makes me think you are a bigot.

It's just that I know how to troll as well.




Uncle Rummy needs more SUCKERS like you in Iraq...



Bush was 100% certain that Saddam had WMD

- He has later admitted that there wasn't any...


Bush implied before the war that Iraq had something to do with 9/11

- He has later admitted that there is no evidence of that


Bush said on 1.May 2003: "...major combat operations in Iraq has ended."

- 138 american soldiers had died
- now (june 2005) more than 1700 is dead
- A general in Iraq recently said that 20,000 soliders could be sendt home in
march 2006 (when will the last american soldier be out of Iraq, and how many
will come home in a bodybag?


Bush said that when they find Saddam the insurgency will decrease

- It didn't


Bush said that when the Iraqi election is held the insurgency will decrease

- It didn't


The american president is the smartest person in the world, he would never lie to the american people

- "I did not have sex with that woman"
- "I'm not a crook"


Everyone who voted for Bush: sign up for Iraq NOW!
- www.i-wanna-die-in-iraq.com


Uncle Rummy needs more SUCKERS like you in Iraq...




merlin-96, keep the faith, baby!

"On a daily basis we, the American public, are exposed to unending administration insanities: fear mongering, the reduction of foreign policy to a bad video game, an exhausting audio-visual parade of lies and self-deceptions. Robert Greenwald's film is a welcome antidote. It sets an example of what a concerned and committed citizen can do. Speak truth to power."
-Errol Morris


I have a strong suspicion the OP never actually watched the movie. To be sure, many people want to see Bush impeached even now after the 04 election. But this isnt blind partisanship AT ALL. If anything, Bowlerickk is the real blind partisan. As for the Left Wing trying to divide the country, I think Oscar Wilde was quoted in the movie as saying "Patriotism is the last bastion of Tyrants".


Libby going to prison is making that message loud and clear.

"If that's going to be how we have to operate, our system is going to be in serious trouble with the average Joe on the street who thinks the system is unfair already,"
- Judge Reggie Walton


Well, it's been almost four full years since Bowlerrick3000 made this post. He got his wish: George W. Bush was re-elected.

Now that we see the results of the Iraq war: the execution of an enemy of Osama Bin Laden (Saddam) and a nation plunged into a state of chaos of which there is no end in sight, and the creation a power vacuum that has been filled by Islamic extremism that did not exist in the nation prior to our invasion.

Furthermore, the MANY lies and deceptions of the Bush Administration have become accepted as public knowledge even by many Republicans, but alas, common sense has come too late. The Bush Administration has made the United States a more dangerous place to live and has succeeded only in uniting the Arab world against us and providing Islamic extremism not only with a new nation to operate, but a recruitment tool that they could not have had without our assistance.

This is not a black and white issue of good vs evil. This issue is greed and power vs religious extremism. Both sides are extremely dangerous to life and liberty both in the United States and in the Arab world. Evil exists on both sides, but the greatest danger to freedom does not come from a group of terrorists hiding in the caves of Afghanistan and Pakistan...it comes from the current administration in control of the United States government which have enabled and emboldened these terrorists by waging war with a nation that had absolutely no ties to Islamic extremism, terrorism or weapons of mass destruction.

Freedom does not die with a bang. It dies with a whimper. The failure of Democrats in office, such as Hillary Clinton, to stand up against this war when it was a politically unpopular decision have doomed this nation to a second Cold War, doomed this economy to a recession unseen in over 70 years and doomed our troops to a futile war without purpose, as was the case in Vietnam.

It truly is a shame that this once great nation has plunged to such depths. It will take a long time for the United States to recover from the damage done by the crimes of the Bush Administration. I only hope that such a recovery can be salvaged in my lifetime.
