worst movie ever

three scenes got ma fata** loling, so crap, 1st when statham saw the blood leaking out under the door while the russian bad guy hasent even injected the kid yet, 2nd when he was driving the lambo at high speed, how did he got on the plane board ? F - F - S

3rd when statham had to remove the bomb from the car..... u know the rest...... this movie got my balls swelling


I might agree, and then I saw Transporter 3. Hard to believe there's a worse movie than Transporter 2, but there is.

"There's a name for people like that. It's called a bum." (Pulp Fiction, 1994)


I lol'd when the guy was literally dodging bullets and didn't even bother to pick up a gun because he's so cool and tough. And apparently Statham is able to walk faster than a guy runs!

I hated it really much.

Btw, the kid prolly needs a life long therapy sessions! Statham was driving the car like a madman, and it could have crashed in any moment. Oh wait, didn't he jump from building to building? Oh and the ugly looking lady was threating to kill him with a gun...


I thik you're failing to appreciate the wit of some of these scenes. Every action movie in the world has its hero dodging bullets. That moment in Transporter 2 is great because it takes a genre cliche and just makes it literal. Why is it any more absurd for a hero to emerge unscathed from a hail of bullets than it is to have him literally dodge bullets? The movie's quite knowingin its absurdity. Complaining about it's lack of realism is a bit like complaining that Tom and Jerry isn't an accurate depiction of cat/mouse interaction.


everlone_2000 perfect explanations...these movies are just meant to entertain and they do

"Oh yeah, well i love almost everybody" - Rocky Balboa (ROCKY V)


Not sure what you're talking about with with your first lol scene. The blood coming out the closet door was from the dead doctor and nurse. It had nothing to do with the russian bad guy injecting the kid.
