Weirdest Sound Effect

Did anyone notice the sound effect chosen for when the car is driving on top of two buildings, straddling the alley? It's when the bum looks up with that stupid look on his face. Well, the sound of a car overhead echoing down into an alley sounds remarkably like an elephant.

I just thought that was kind of weird.


thats crazy , because i'm watching it right now , and i came on just to see if anyone thought it was a bit odd that lola could blow up a helicopter with a few shots from her gun that can't even shoot through a wooden door earlier on ... yet straight after that scene is the car driving over 2 buildings, and i thought exactly the same thing .... sounded like that elephant sound off


yup, definetly an elephant sound

im watching the movie right now also, and noticed the helicopter and door thing, lol

maybe the elepahant sound's supposed to be in the head of the drunk guy, the classic pink elephant thing.


Flying pink elephants!!!!



And when the car manages to fly into that building, crash through those metal poles and emerge without a dent (from what I saw)
As cars engines are in the front the car shoul plummet head first


the pink elephant sound was cool and that exploding helicopter was sweet, but you guys seem to have forgotten about the jump to remove the bomb with the hook.

man, what a jump. Transporter's sure got the moves behind the wheel.

"Woo-Hoo, Silent Bob's dead, long live me, Internet Guy!"


Yeah, you can't even do sh*t like that in a videogame, lol


I thought the same thing! I mean, organic sound effects are used all the time to create new ones, but they didn't even disguise it!
