More anima like this?

Hay, I'm a dummy when it come to anima, but I really loved this one... so I woud like to watch more anima like this... can somebody tell some titles to look for.

I especialy liked the beautiful animation. I dislike dragon ball and pokemon stuff, this animation was splendid sooo... any suggestions?



Try Perect Blue, and Millenium Actress if you want to see some films by the same director as "Tokyo Godfathers". I also think that anything by the Ghibli company is allso amazing. "Spirited Away", and anything else by Miyazaki are beautiful.

As for crazy things with guns in, "Ghost in the Shell 1&2", "Akira", and "Ninja Scrolls". 'These are the usual anime to be seen first by people who are interested to get into anime.

As for series, I'm watching at the mo "Parinoia Agent" by the same guy who did "Tokyo Godfaters" Satoshi Kon. It is fantabulous. If you want to get into girly and silly, then "Love Hina" is the way.

If you would like anymore suggestions, just ask. :0).

Bysie byes.


hey miss who 42!!! any suggestions for a good anime? ive seen all miyazaki and planning to see millenium actress,perfect blue and tokyo godfather.


Not sure what this means really but erm i will write in here anyway.


I'm very drunk at the mo, so I'm sorry for any spelling sillyness.

Perfect Blue is amazing. I havn't seen the live action one, but the anime is dark and fasinating. Please see Parinoia Agent if you can. That to is a work of art.

If you like your violence then Ninja Scrolls, is very good. I'm really just going to repeat what I said earlier really. Anything by Miyazaki is a journey in itself. His films gave me feelings and ideas which I never though existed.

I have just bought puppet princess. I have not watched it yet, but I like dark and brooding Anime. It is surprising how cartoon characters can make you feel more for them rather than the living. I have more sympathy for Mima Kirigoe than I do for Kira Knightly and whoever she plays.

I hope I have been some help (I love the name by the way). If you want any specific Anime, just ask, and I will help in any way I can.

Toodel loo.

miss_who_42 (Jen) x


I second that; 'Paranoia Agent' is intriguing every episode {12 or 13 total} has a different feel, no matter what there is something in there that will fascinate you.
Millennium Actress {mines scratched, just venting} is very good I need to watch it again.
I can't emphasize enough ‘PRINCESS MONINOKIE’, it does not get any better, of course anything from Studio Ghibli is really good to great.


You could also check out 'Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo' it is the most innovative animation I have seen animation wise, the story’s really good to {you can't screw up CoMC} but the animation is superb.

Also 'Voices of a distant star' its only 25 minutes but very good.
Everyone else's recommendations are very good likewise.
Write back, let us know what you watched, and if you liked it.



I think you might have meant "Princess Mononoke". That and Laputa: Castle in the Sky are my two favourites, but something more like Tokyo Godfathers I would have thought the films of Takahata and the other Ghibli directors were more relevant - particularly "Only Yesterday" and "Whisper of the Heart" (although "Kiki's Delivery Service" just about fits into this genre as well).

But apart from Satoshi Kon's other films and series, the creator I would most recommend is Yoshitoshi ABe. "Haibane-Renmei" is the one I have seen, and it's available as a box set in most regions now.
