I Hated This Movie

First off, I have nothing against Tim Allen, Jamie Lee Curtis, or anyone else involved with this. I am just shocked that such a premise could be made into a movie. Absolutely dumbfounded.

What was the moral? That you should force your neighbors to hang up lights and put gigantic snowmen on his house? That has to be the crudest, most selfish piece of junk I've ever heard. The way the Kranks were portrayed made me pity them, even though the movie was trying to make me feel the opposite.

Nothing in this movie was funny. This film was supposedly a "comedy," but I didn't laugh at anything. I found most of the jokes to be cruel and heartless, including that one scene where Mr. Krank freezes the cat. Tim Allen can be a very funny guy, but not even he could offer up some worthy comedy to lighten up this mess.

The ending appalled me the most. I was hoping that the neighbors would realize that not everyone on their street has to celebrate Christmas their way. Instead, they continued to preach that Mr. Krank acted selfish. Selfish? What was so selfish? That he decided to buy tickets for a cruise for the holidays? That someone else would have to host the annual Christmas party?

I hated this film more than any other film I've ever seen; that includes anything made by Aaron Seltzer, Jason Friedberg, and Uwe Boll. It is a worthless piece of Hollywood schlock that promotes commercialism and conformity. Not once did I hear any mention of the true meaning of Christmas, which involves sharing, giving, and if you wanna go out on a limb (which I don't see many Christmas movies do nowadays), mention Jesus.

I am told there is another Christmas movie with horrifying values as this one: "Deck the Halls." I don't know how much worse it could be, nor do I want to find out. But "Christmas with the Kranks" gave me one of the worst experiences I've ever had watching a movie, and I doubt any other experience can be as torturous as that.


don't be afraid to double up on the meds when you feel like this.


Hey, works for me!


I get what you mean. I used to watch this movie for fun all of the time, but I recently watched it and I had to change the channel. It really irritated me. The neighbors were selfish and way out of line, I wouldn't have taken that B.S. from anybody. If I decide to go on a cruise for Christmas and not put up Frosty or host the annual Christmas Eve party, you're going to verbally/physically harass me until I give in? *beep* no. I am free to do whatever I want.

Jack Skellington: And they call him, Sandy... Clawssss...!


The worst thing I can say about this "movie" is that I felt nothing while spending part of my evening watching it. I didn't laugh, cry, or care about any character in it or any aspect of it. It wasn't even good or bad enough to numb me. To think of it as being uninteresting would be to spend more energy than it gives in any entertainment value. Calling it bland would be a compliment it doesn't earn. Feh... I do miss Tom Poston though...



I hated this movie the first time I watched it. But after a few times, I am finding ways to enjoy it. Not to say anyone else should, but when I can enjoy yet another xmas special that I used to dislike, I am glad. First I do not view it as portraying the neighbors in a good light. Perhaps the producers and writer were trying to communicate that, but I purposefully view it as epitomizing nosey, over zealous, intrusive behavior by neighbors. In otherwords, I change the type of movie it is. (Yes, since it is art, I can do that)

Basically I watch a few things: 1) Luther and Nora in their house when the neighbors are outside caroling or otherwise harrassing them. Like they are in a combat zone. 2) Tim Allen's facial expressions and 3) like I was saying above, I laugh at the absolutely absurd way the neighbors just can't leave it alone that someone chose to not celebrate xmas. Dan Akroyd is fabulous in that role and he makes me laugh just to look at him.

It's an absurd comedy that I now look forward to watching.


i just watched it this morning and i loved it.


I like it too.


I've heard a rumor this movie isn't too fond of you either.

"Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings."


Lighten up, Frances.
