Movie's message

So I just saw this movie on FX. I love Tim Allen I think the movie had all the potential in the world to be a holiday classic. The message of the movie however, is so wrong in so many ways. What's so horrible about wanting to take a cruise during the holidays? Why were the neighbors so concerned with the actions of one household in the community? The fact that the Kranks conformed to the neighbors demands made the movie weak. Pretty much the message of the movie: "Don't do what you want during Christmas with your hard earned money because you have to subscribe to what your community's idea of Christmas is" What a crock. I would have walked right out of my house and punched every one of my neighbors in the face then had sex with they're significant other.


Well in the end it wasn't the neighbors that made them conform, it was the mother wanting to give her daughter the same type of Christmas she was used to and the neighbors coming together to help them even though they could have told them to drop dead.

I do agree that the neighbors were too pushy, but The Kranks could have done a few small things and still went on their vacation. A few examples is buy a tree donate it to another family, buy the policeman's calendar which would also be for charity and having the neighbors putting up the Frosty snowman.

Although I do think that the neighbors should have been told off more and should have admitted they were wrong to be so pushy.

Come visit my


more like: "Don't make any plans when your kid is out of the house because they might want to come home and saying you already have plans is wrong."

Make him do it again - Ilithyia
The voice says I'm almost out of minutes - Cas


I agree that the neighbors were being incredibly selfish and unreasonable. If the Kranks wanted to go on a cruise over the holidays, now that they had an empty nest, that was their business. The neighbors had no right to do what they did.


right. i'd go on the trip.

πŸŽ„Season's Greetings!πŸŽπŸŽ…πŸŽ„


There were multiple messages in this movie. We need to remember first that the idea was to make us laugh--which it does better than many Christmas comedies, in my opinion.

The set-up was that the Kranks had for many years participated in all the rituals that, (apparently) all their longtime neighbors had also done in celebrating the secular aspects of Christmas. Realistically, they would have explained what they wanted to do differently that year and everyone would have understood and there would have been no movie, or book, until the daughter called on Christmas Eve surprising everyone that she was coming home. Then the parents would have either explained that they planned a cruise and wouldn't be there, OR they would have given up their trip but told her there was no big party this year, but they'd be glad to have a nice dinner with her and her fiance.

That would be as exciting as making a movie about your vacation where the biggest problem you encountered was having a lumpy bed in one of your motels.

Of course the neighbors were far too concerned with what the Kranks did. Of course the Kranks could easily have done more Christmas things than they did without blowing their budget. I thought Luther's reasoning for skipping all of it was his belief that they wouldn't be able to just do some Christmas things without winding up doing almost everything, like usual, including the expensive party they always hosted on Christmas Eve, and thus spending too much to be able to afford their cruise.

What made this a positive movie was the way the neighbors pitched in to help their longtime neighbors, especially after they were so upset with what the Kranks had done recently. They knocked themselves out and gave up whatever plans they had, to make a great Christmas for Blair, and her parents. If you are looking for a positive, uplifting, message in a Christmas movie, think about how those neighbors behaved in the last portion of the film.


The attitude of the neighbours is funny. It's a relief to watch a Christmas movie without a message.
