MovieChat Forums > Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Discussion > Luther acting all shady while showing hi...

Luther acting all shady while showing his wife the newspaper

What was up with that?

He was being really evasive with her questions. Like, when she said "Who told them that?" and he said "Uh... it could have been anyone" with obviously shifty eyes.

Was there a deleted scene that would have explained this? I thought they were going to reveal that Luther was behind the newspaper article in order to, I don't know, prove to his wife that the neighbors were jerks and they deserved their vacation, or something?

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia royal...


I didn't think he was being shady about the paper at all, this isn't one of those movies where you need to read into things too deeply. Nora held the paper and read it herself, there was nothing to hide. The part where Luther says "it could have been anyone" was just a reply about who the paper could have quoted in regards to calling the Kranks actions "selfish". It literally could have been any of their neighbors, so Luther's response was appropriate. The only time he looks around suspiciously is after declaring that "they have spies everywhere" (in response to Nora asking how they knew Frosty was in the basement). Luther's suspicious glances are a reaction to the "spies" comment, as in they could be hiding in that room at that very moment, so he glances around suspiciously. I never got the impression that Luther planted the newspaper article.
