MovieChat Forums > Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Discussion > What if someone in the nieghborhood was ...

What if someone in the nieghborhood was Jewish?

Would they run them out?


is this neighborhood yes they would definitely run them out. terrible movie

I know how you feel, I was beaten in a game of tic-tac-toe by a chicken- Cletus Spuckler


Yes, I believe they would burn a Frosty in the Jewish family's yard. Sad, huh?

Living my life vicariously through cinema




Lots of Jewish families decorate for the holidays. Since Frosty is a neutral winter character, he would be a perfectly appropriate decoration for a Jewish family. There is one such family in my neighborhood that puts up a giant inflatable Frosty that is playing with a dreidel.



That was pretty funny. Would you care to comment on the polar bear that my other Jewish neighbors put on their lawn?


the point wasn't that they didn't celebrate christmas, it was that they had ALWAYS celebrated christmas. they had yearly traditions that they were breaking and the towns people couldn't understand why. if they were jewish/never celebrated christmas it wouldn't have been a big deal.


The voice of reason. lol Yes, the problem was less that they weren't celebrating Christmas and more that they were breaking a tradition.

Writing is my favorite hobby. Writing something that many can enjoy is my favorite dream.





Those Jews that put up Christmas decorations are tools, and just don't want to get run out of town by these Commie racist quasi-Christians.
As a Communist, i'd just like to know what in the HELL those neighbors had to do with Communism? I don't see how forcing someone to put a Frosty on the roof has anything to do with the working class owning the means of production.

I really hate it when people just throw around words when they have no idea what they mean.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
- Goethe


The reason he kept saying Happy Birthday was because he was coming alive. Had nothing to do with Jesus.

Come visit my


What did Frosty say everytime he spawned? "Happy Birthday". Well, whose birthday is it on Christmas? Christ. Frosty praised Christ the first chance he got and did it over and over.

Clearly you never saw "Frost the Snowman". When the kids asked him why he said that he explains that he's wishing himself a happy birthday as he just came to life.

Someone's got issues.



They'd burn a menorah on their front lawn.



They were getting upset with them because they USED to be the big Christmas family and then all of a sudden they were not doing it anymore because they didn't want to. It had nothing to do with religion. If they had been originally Jewish no one would have cared.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!




You'll probably never read this, since the thread is ancient - but I just wanted to say that you're so full of crap I bet your eyes are dark brown! No Jewish people think Chanukah (learn the proper spellings, please) is a big holiday, in fact we're constantly forced to remind folks it is NOT a big deal. We also couldn't care less if you celebrate Christmas, are very rarely (if ever) the ones to complain about that nonsense, and yet we still get blamed for the fictional "War on Christmas." Figures, since we are often blamed for things we didn't do!

Oh, and if you think Jews are bigger bullies than Christians, I suggest you pick up a few history books - or just open your darned eyes, lol. What a load.


P.S. Any (non-interfaith) Jewish family that decorates for Christmas is not very Jewish, and probably got bullied into conforming at a young age. My family never acknowledged the holiday personally, outside of the old "Chinese food and a movie" tradition. These days I live alone, so it's more like "stay home and watch TV" if that.


No. The reason they were getting on to the Kranks is because in the past, they had been big christmas celebraters, given great parties, had a santa they normally put up, normally contributed, got gifts. So if someone wasn't into that from the beginning, I think they'd leave them alone.

I don't agree that a neighborhood has the right to bully a neighbor into decorating/celebrating if they choose not to...even if they did it in the past, but I choose to think they'd not bother someone who didn't believe in christmas at all, ever.

my god its full of stars



What do you think Frosties are made of?


That's the plot of the sequel.

A Jewish family moves into the house and the neighbors try to run them out due to the difference in religion. Hilarity ensues!
