Was Blair THAT Special???

I just re-watched this movie for the first time since 2004 or 2005 and I enjoyed it. I do not get all the hate for it to be honest. Its a Christmas movie, since when are they supposed to be some deep serious movie?

Anyway one thing I noticed was all the hype for Blairs return, who just left not much before Christmas and was making her grand return. What was so special about her? I get that is their only child, but still. They were so obsessed with her. The entire town was. Its like she was the center of everything and all that was good. She was not even that hot! Just cute. I do not get it.

Her parents should have told her the truth and went on their cruise

"Live Fast, Die Young"


I thought she hot as all hell, but that is beyond the point. People loved her because she made everyone feel so special. It was even mentioned int he movie. Why the mother doted over her so much is a bit creepy, but some mothers are like that, especially when they have only one kid. Blair was in the Peace Corps too so that made everyone in the neighborhood respect her even more.


Yeah, the love for her by the neighbourhood was a little over the top. The part I found most ridiculous is when she's getting home in the cop car and all the naighbourhood kids are riding their bikes beside it calling her name. I can understand adults who watched her grow up feel some fondness and joy to see her, but kids generally don't give a damn about that kind of thing, let alone chase them down shouting their name. That part always makes me roll my eyes.


It was said she babysat all the kids so I'm assuming that's why. But regardless, there was a lot of ridiculousness in this movie.


Yeah I remember the babysitting part, but I still think it was extremely ridiculous that they'd follow the car down the street screaming her name. Not to mention she was only gone about 6 weeks!


Thats the part most ridiculous to me. She was gone SIX WEEKS lol

"Live Fast, Die Young" - Follow my twitter @ JJW4Eve


More like 4, she left after Thanksgiving.


Blair to the neighborhood was like Rory Gilmore to Stars Hollow
