MovieChat Forums > Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Discussion > Well it's not a ghost movie for crying o...

Well it's not a ghost movie for crying out loud!

I don't get the scene in the movie where Vic Frohmeyer is talking to Luther, and meanwhile, Ned Becker and his whole family are in the background putting up their Christmas lights. Spike is there too. Luther looks away for a second, and then he turns back around to make his point to Vic, and everybody vanishes---like ghosts. This isn't a ghost movie, so how did they just evaporate into thin air in a matter of seconds, because Luther didn't turn his head that far and look away for that long! Suddenly, The Beckers, Spike and Vic aren't even standing there anymore---everybody is gone---My question: HOW>?!

What was the point--?
Did they suddenly want to jump scare the audience.

Come to think of it, Spike does it twice in the movie---once in that scene and again when the police almost arrest Luthor outside Wes' house!

All we know is that they're not ghosts! So how did that even happen!


It's a Jamie Lee Curtis movie! She first got famous appearing with quasi-supernatural stalkers.

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
