MovieChat Forums > Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Discussion > Just a little something I realized

Just a little something I realized

This neighborhood----- The neighbors in it rather, don't want anybody traveling at Christmas time or to be away for Christmas, and that's correct right?
Okay---first of all, they knew everything about everybody and where everybody was going, so they would have known ahead of time that Blair wouldn't be home from Christmas and demand that they change her plans>>? Don't give me that [But she left right after thanksgiving!] No, they had a system where nobody is allowed to travel if it interferes with Christmas! Also, Wesley, the African American neighbor who Luther borrows the tree from, was also traveling, big mistake, he was traveling on Christmas eve, he said he was going to his mother in law's but given how militant the neighbors behave about people going on, you wouldn't expect them to just trust him and his kids and let them drive off, while giving Nora and Luther hell all around.

They didn't even let Nora drive her car from her home to the mall, which makes it more debatable because they acted like she was going to the Bahamas, she wasn't going to the mall, not the Bahamas---yet....

Well, Nora never made it to the Bahamas.


The family who was leaving on Christmas Eve decorated for Christmas and they had a Frosty on their roof. Remember that's all the neighborhood really wanted.....for them to put up Frosty.


Yeah it seems like a simple task but why would anyone want to feel forced into participating in an annual Holiday? Especially since it's their house and they can choose not too put up Frosty if they don't want too. I mean just look how difficult and nerve racking it is too put him up in the first place. And then people heckle them, like wtf? I would've told everyone to F off and mind their own business. Lol


I've said on here before that I grew up in a neighborhood like this. It's like written in stone if you buy a home in this neighborhood you agree to follow the rules of Christmas and decorating. We had to be home at a certain time to make sure lights were on right before dark. This was the early to mid 80s so I don't know if there were timers. We had to be home. We never left town for Christmas so I don't know how things were handled with that but all I know is if you didn't decorate for some reason such as illness someone was always there to help do it for you. We themes each year. The one I remember most was 12 Days Of Christmas. That was cool. All I have are happy memories of the decorations and lights but my dad remembers it being a pain. After we moved we left most of our decorations behind for the new owners. That's how it worked.
