MovieChat Forums > Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Discussion > This movie is about bullying and harassm...

This movie is about bullying and harassment (SPOILERS)

Even though it's an original, watchable, and well-acted (most of the time) it is one of the worst Christmas Flicks out there. This film is about bullying and harassment.

Where the main characters went wrong, actually where Nora Krank went wrong is caring what the town and the neighbours think, if they'd have stood their ground and gone on the cruise, the neighbours couldn't actually stop them.

Maybe they still would have gone if it wasn't for the daughter, them treating her like she's 5 years old is ridiculous, she's a grown ass woman, rushing around and stressing themselves out to pull off a party to please her is silly. Nora mentioned in one scene to Luther that the daughter came home to spend Christmas with them, well you know what? She's spent plenty of Christmases with them growing up and she can spend more, this time was THEIR time, they still should have gone on the cruise, Blaire would have understood, it wasn't like she was alone on Christmas, she had her boyfriend, and speaking of the boyfriend Enrique - he was obviously American, smh.

Don't be fooled thinking the neighbours were selfless helping them with the party, they were getting their own way that's why they all of a sudden decided to help, did you forget what they were doing throughout most of the movie? Harass and bully!

Also, as a Christian i hated the scene where "Father Zabriski" was looking at Jamie Lee Curtis like that when she was in her bikini at the mall, his eyes blatantly looked her up and down, i don't know what the director's motives were for that scene, but it gives all priests a bad name.

Plus, as an animal rights activist, i wish they'd have left animals out of it, there really wasn't any need for the cat to be in this film.


It's actually one of my favourite Christmas films.


Tinkerbellprincess69: To each his own.


I'm not boycotting Christmas this year (2016) altogether. But my family and I am making less of a big deal about it.

It isn't to save money. It is because my brother died early this year, and we don't feel the same "celebratory" mood.

My brother had cancer, so watching Christmas movies where a "miracle" happens, gets me down, because a "miracle" didn't happen to my brother.

Instead, we are having a low-key Christmas. We will still do some of the traditions, but the elation and season of joy is marred with sadness this year.

This is the thing. I think that people need to not expect that you celebrate all the traditions. Some can't for whatever reason, because of what is going on in their life.

BTW, I find this unrealistic, as most people would be okay with the Kranks going away, as people go away all the time at Christmas.

It definitely would not be reported in the newspaper.


d_henderson1810: I'm sorry to hear about your brother, cherish your family and take care of each other.

I agree with you about this movie, unrealistic, even if it was a very very small town i doubt they would carry on like that in reality.


To be fair, I felt the scene with the priest was more horror than lust portrayed. I get the feeling Nora is active in the Church and not the kind of person who goes prancing around in a skimpy bikini.
