MovieChat Forums > King of California (2007) Discussion > IF YOU'RE PICKY, YOU MIGHT WANT TO AVOID...


roger ebert gave this THREE stars??? well, this is one of the very few times that I don't agree with him. and how did alexander payne get himself involved with this? (maybe the director is a really good guy who just suffered a horrendous tragedy in his life, and his film world friends rallied around him to help him make a movie to take his mind off his woes.....)Needless to say, the script was very ' lame and lacking'(I think that's redundant). The story had promise; the acting was fine. It just lagged greatly, had loads of holes, and in the end, i really didn't care about these two people. oh well.
In this case, I should have followed my gut instinct.


I liked it :) It was funny in a dark, rye sort of way and creative. It laughs @insanity, which, is pretty daring in my opinion, but they made it work. I dont know why exactly it was so funny/good to me but it just was.

"Being followed by rocks now are we?"


I just saw it last night and I have to agree with you. It wasn't Oscar material by any means, but it was an enjoyable movie. I had little sympathy for Charlie, but he was at times quite amusing, and Miranda was very likable in my opinion. Overall I'm glad I didn't pay the higher price to see it in the theater, but I am glad to have rented it.
