MovieChat Forums > Mickybo and Me (2005) Discussion > Need to find a copy urgently!!!

Need to find a copy urgently!!!

I'm doing my masters thesis about the family in films about Northern Ireland and I want to use Mickybo and Me as one of the main films I will focus on. I've only seen the film twice and am desperately trying to find a copy somewhere that I could watch in detail, make notes etc. Have contacted the production company but amazingly they don't have a copy either. Not clear when this might be available on DVD but if anyone has any information I would be very glad to hear it!





now available ;)


yes, now you can get it... is it too late?


where can you get it??
I have been searching for ages and I don't know where I can purchase it!




According to a UK website the DVD release date is 28th Nov 2005.

I assume the post above was deleted because it gave details of an illegal download!

Good luck, Dan.


Have you seen the 1972 TV film A War of Children? If not you should make every effort to find it. It deals with the impact of the conflict on families in much greater detail and depth than Mickybo does.


In the name of the father is also a good movie. I would actually rather in the name of the father although the story is a bit different but it does boil down to the same kinda thinking.


It's available here:

It says that it's R4 on the site but the actual DVD says it is R2 & R4.

It was released in the UK in November but almost immediately withdrawn from the market. It can be found at sites in Norway and Italy, too.


Still available from HMV in UK & Irish market, not heard of it being withdrawn.

