
I keep seeing people call Maggie stupid all over these message boards. Maggie is NOT stupid. She's dyslexic and that's different. Its a terrible disorder that makes it almost impossible to learn simple things like reading and basic math. Learning to work simple problems out on paper is one of the intregral parts of learning even something as simple as arithmatic. How can you learn to add or subtract if 21 turns into 12 in your head? And if you can't learn the basics how can you learn the more complicated stuff? On top of that, kids who have dyslexia often FEEL that they are stupid or unteachable so they don't make the extra effort needed to overcome their block. But she really isn't dumb. Remember that scene where she does that little guilt trip on Ellen. "It would have been nice to have a grandmother. Nice... and maybe a little bit less lonely." It takes a great inborn intelligence to maniplulate someone you just met like that. Additionally, kids who suffer a massive emotional trauma early in life either become like Maggie or Rose. Either they protect themselves by putting up a extroverted and shallow front, or they become indrawn and sheilded. It's really just a way to protect yourself from a world that's seems to have turned on you, at a time when you really needed to feel safe. The psychology is this movie is spectacularly well done, and I just wanted to point this out because I thinks its important to understand the driving forces behind these characters personalities in order to appreciate the true complexity of the story.
Oooo it's all sticky! It's covered in jam! ~Eddie Izzard


I didn't find her to be stupid, but maybe others said it because of ways she treated people and whatnot, such as her sister. I completely agree with you though, a desease like this should be taken seriously and should not be made fun of. But did they ever actually say that she suffered from dyslexia? Or is it just because she was not good with numbers and could not read, that made you believe this. I know how many posts can come off as being rude, so I just want to clarify that I'm not trying to be. Just curious if they mentioned this in the film or not.


Yes, her sister mentions it when she suggests that Maggie goes back to the school for dyslexics and Maggie calls it Retard U. Then, later, the professor says, "What is it dyslexia?" when she stumbles over the poem. So I think it was implied if not stated outright. And I don't consider anything you said to be rude.
Oooo it's all sticky! It's covered in jam! ~Eddie Izzard


you're so right. maggie is definitely not stupid, and i totally agree that it's bad enough that dyslexic kids feel stupid because of their disorder without having people encouraging this completely twisted idea. we can see straightaway that maggie has a great perceptiveness when she's asked to explain the poem to the blind man. and stupid people don't usually have perceptiveness.
