Trailer is misleading.

The movie is fine, well worth a good drama. The only disappointing aspect was that they have marketed the movie in such a way that it looks like a comedy (i mean even the poster) if you were looking for a comedy, you will be disappointed as it's quite a slowly evolving drama.



yeah I agree! They have to LIE when they market these type of movies that actually have something to say...America is always reluctant to get on board. I remember when it came out and I too thought it was a silly rom-com/chick flick and was baffled why Curtis Hanson directed it (I LOVED his LA Confidential). Seeing it cleared that up- he tackled an endearing drama and it wasn't silly at all. Everyone did a splendid job!

Movie trailers are prob the BIGGEST example of false advertisement, and I can't stand it! But whatever puts the GREEN (money) in the BLUE (the producers' pants)!


I feel the same way. Though I have not seen the trailer, the info on the cable channel has it as a comedy. Great drama, but no comedy.


Whew! So it wasn't just me!

I couldn't remember just how I had gotten the impression that this was just another "slob meets neatnik" goofball comedy. Though I wasn't disappointed--I was very pleasantly surprised that it was much better than I expected.

