favorite part..

if you've seen it: what was your favorite part?

[and if you think the movie sucked and it was lame you must not like the doors or jim morrison..you have to get him to understand it.]

anways, my favorite part was were he was dancing with the native american or latino[whatever ethncity they were, i think it was native american] kids.
it seemed like a very jim morrison thing to do.

"There are things known and there are things unknown, and inbetween are the doors." - Jim Morrison



i like when he's talking on the phone. you can hear him, but it's all shot from a distance. that was cool.


When he finds the car, dances on the hood, and throws a rock at it. This was a fun scene because it seems to show his immaturity, which is what I really like about JM. He's a grown man with a 147 I.Q. but, as he would say 'has a heart of a clown' and is not afraid to act childish. Also when he runs up on the hood and stomps on the roof, toatally reminded me of the movie, when Val Kilmer jumps up on a car and does the lizard king poem. I like how VK, just seemed to get JM'S movements down so perfectly.

grrr arg


i absolutely love the doors but this movie sucked anyway you look at it. slow moving, dull, no story. it was a piece of crap. the guy is definitely one of my idols but i don't respect this movie......and you shouldn't either!!!
