Why the bad rating?

I thought the movie was really great. It showed the power of disfunction can sometimes be an aid in dealing with life. I think the ending needed a work, or just simply should have ended after Mr. Lee left...with Daniel's speech coming as Mr. Lee walked away from the student.


"Dreams aren't perfect Dawson, they come true, not free..." - Joey Potter



Hi There

Thank you for your kind remark about my film. I agree with you that the last scene may be a bit awkwardly placed but I felt I had to resolve the story between the teacher and his father at that point.

Best regards

dan polier



No, I actually thought it was bad.

What the movie was about had great potential and the actors were great with what they were given, but I place blame on the director.

The characters were simply not developed. What about Michael (the guy who stutters) and Jordan (the Asian)? The director seems to just barely mention them and focus on other people. Actually, it seems that most of the movie followed the Matt(tennis athlete)/David(suicidal)/Maralee(pretty girl) love triangle. The movie was really really long and yet even with the time given, it was unsatisfactory in the development of the plot and characters. A different director could have probably done a better job with less time.

Hey! I wanted more debating. It would be nice to see another debate later in the movie after the kids had improved a bit. I wanted to see some awesome arguments being won and rebutted in some dramatic way. That never happened. I was disappointed. The movie focused too much on personal lives... or maybe that was the entire point. In that case, I was watched this expecting to get something else.

Also, on the cover of the movie all of the white kids can be seen in the middle while the Asian, African American, and Hispanic guys are pushed to the side. It also seems that the majority of the focus of the movie was on the white kids... but I will make no assumptions. I'm just stating what I see and I guess I'll have give the director the benefit of the doubt whether or not racism influenced his job. ;)

Am I wrong? Do YOU think that the director had something special going with his film? Do you think that there was a method to this madness? Fine. I disagree.

...because I was disappointed with a movie that I think COULD have been so much better, but didn't deliver.
