The gun!

I saw this movie today and thought it was so funny when the boat captin shot the crow, the monkey and the dog. It was so random! They would not do that kind of thing in this day and age.

Would I rather be feared or loved?Easy,both I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


There are probably several reasons why this didn't become a holiday chestnut like Rudolph and Frosty, and the gun shooting sequence is probably one of the biggest reasons. But another good reason is it just isn't as good as many of the other holiday specials. It was interesting to see for the first time, but it's not something that will become regular holiday viewing.


The last time i saw it on TV here in Australia many years ago it was on in the early morning and the gun/shooting scene was cut out.


It's funny because i would always laugh at the scene when they all got shot,it is about the only thing that sticks in my mind about this tv show apart from the singing cat.


This is on DVD now, we run it a lot where I work and I haven't noticed that scene, but then I might have been busy every time it came on.

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?


I bought the DVD from the US and it has the gun/shooting scene in it.


While this special is not bad and the gun didn't bother me (though it did surprise me at first), the Dickens' story that it was adapted from was much better and I highly recommend it (and for those who care, no gun! :-)


The shooting scene came as rather a shock and was probably frowned on even at the time as part of a children's Christmas special. It doesn't even have the justification of being in the original story and was unnecessary. I agree, even without it this is interesting to watch once but not as good as the classic specials.


How much money could you possibly get for a cricket? Why kill them over it? But yeah, I laughed my a$$ off because it was so out of the blue. There are alot of weird random moments in this film, like the toys coming to life at midnight and the cat singer.


This is seriously the worst christmas movie ever. my sister and i watch t every year to make fun of's just boring and horrific!!! And wtf with the cat singer? Completely irrelevant to the plot! Ugh. this thing just sucks.


I actually love this movie. It's one of my favorite Christmas ones.
