MovieChat Forums > Slings and Arrows (2003) Discussion > What do we think of Richard?

What do we think of Richard?

Maybe... probably... it's because I started watching at season 2. But he puzzles me. Beginning where I did, I found him rather endearing, despite (then)confusing allusions to a less admirable nature. Now that I have watched the first few episodes of season 1, I know where he started. But that just means he did a little growing in season 2, character development, good stuff. And then... he regresses? Is that what happened? What gives? It really disappointed me. Because I met him as 'good' Richard. (Seriously. Darren Nichols?!?!)
Proud Rumrunner and Ringnut


I think Anna had it exactly right (near the end of Season 3), she said something like, "You were almost human, now you're just a fool." After his epiphany at the end of Season 1, I had high hopes for him, too. She could have said, "It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for East Hastings?"

The irony is, he'll probably go on to be very successful, and remember New Burbage fondly, slowly blurring and forgetting how much his colleagues despised or pitied him.


Let me just say that I love Richard, but I haven't seen season 3 yet, and I'm quite worried and upset that I just read some accidental spoilers.

"You taste like a burger. I don't like you anymore." -- Wet Hot American Summer


At one point, I really wanted him and Anna to get together.

It was real hard for me to get to this great disliking of him because I am such a big fan of Mark McKinney. So, it may have hurt even more when he did turn into such an ass. I can see how it happened. He thought he was doing good by actually working on a play. He just worked on the wrong one. The little choices we make affect us in such an unthinkable way.

One day, in the future, he'll remember the moment where he failed. He'll realize it, but he'd be too far gone. And then, it'd be like he never remembered.

Man, I am way too into this show.


Richard is the real tragic figure in the whole story. Everyone, even Charles, even Oliver, got what they wanted or needed. Richard became a hollow shell, which was really sad, since (as Anna said) he came so close to becoming a human being.


We look like a geography but just scratch us and we bleed history
-Miriam Waddington, on Canada.


Don't forget the last shot of the last episode. I think he was back with a passion, not to destroy, but with the realization that he's nothing without these people. His self worth and professional worth is all wrapped up in them. He's back to get the team back together. I think.



I thought he was annoying as hell every step of the way. Bad hair, too. Mark McKinney is a great actor, but he was playing a moron that I could have done without.


I was actually searching through these threads hoping to find someone who said just that. Yes. When I saw that last shot I stood up and applauded while tears just poured out of me. It's intentionally ambiguous and all, leaving us to decide whether Richard remains a fool or rejoins the troop that made him human. But I've definitely made my decision, and in my world, Richard came around.


I was actually searching through these threads hoping to find someone who said just that. Yes. When I saw that last shot I stood up and applauded while tears just poured out of me. It's intentionally ambiguous and all, leaving us to decide whether Richard remains a fool or rejoins the troop that made him human. But I've definitely made my decision, and in my world, Richard came around.


If there is a tragedy in Richard, it's that he got exactly what he wished for. He wanted to be at the cool kids table, be an artist and live an artist's life. He did get all that, he became an almost-Darren Nichols, but he alienated the people who truly liked and cared for him in the process. I think that's what makes him peek at the window in the very last shot of the show - He takes a last look at what was substantial and true in his life before it's blown away from him by the tempest of his new life.

Everybody's a critick
