After Eights

Who do we think is putting the After Eights in Oliver's skull? We've never seen any evidence as such that Oliver can affect the physical environment, but he did somehow manage to help Sybil escape, so...

It could be Geoffrey, it's the sort of sick place you'd expect him to hide sweets, esp Oliver's favourite, but he said they were horrible - yet he eats them anyway.

My vote is Oliver - seems more romantic to me for the ghost to do it lol!

Feng Shui is nine-tenths of the law.
Bernard Black, Black Books


I just assumed it was Geoffrey. He thought they were horrible until he found a box on Oliver's desk. But why would he put them in Oliver's skull - to hide them from others? So that Oliver can 'eat' them too? Because it's perversely amusing to him to meddle with Oliver's skull? Or to (unintentionally) amuse Jack when he's doing his final speech?


it had to be Oliver - they weren't there when Geoffrey picked up the skull and he didn't have time to stuff it with mints, did he?


I vote Oliver. Mmm, I was addicted to those when I was little.
Proud Rumrunner and Ringnut


We've never seen any evidence as such that Oliver can affect the physical environment

Well, actually, in Season two he made soup while living in the storage room with Geoffery.


"This is my life; I live in a storage room, I eat soup with a dead man."

"It could be worse."


"You could be the dead man. D'you ever think of that?"


He also opens the chameleon's cage door and lets the lizard escape in season one.


We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!-ยง


Oh yeah. That one actually makes a bit more sense ;)


ha we know that he can be seen by other people like Charles Kingman in the last season, i'm not going to tell you why just because it will give stuff away

Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage and make a Northwest Passage to the Sea


Yes, I liked that because it showed that, at least in the conceit of the show, the ghost is real. I find it frustrating when movies leave it up to the viewer, because I'll always decide that the supernatural elements are real and then wonder if I think so because of the structure of the film or show, or if I'm just being romantic. Bravo, Slings & Arrows, for not putting me (or Geoffrey) in that tough spot.

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2011 Harry Potter 8 9/10
2010 Gulliver's Travels 5/10
