More emotions in this sequel


I don't know about those who have watched Mask of Light, but the scene where Jaller "died" is not well made. We know that he is a main character, and a hero too. But when he "died", I don't feel any sadness at all. The fact that he came back to life again does not help it.

But, in this sequel, there are more intense emotional scenes. Like the part when Vakama saw the dark hunters defeating Toa Lhikan after saving him from them, and constantly blamed himself for his disappearance. The characters have more depth than those in the Mask of Light, and Vakama is the most complex of all. He is one character we can relate to.

Perhaps the saddest scene of all is the death of Lhikan (Turaga Lhikan, to be exact). Although he does not show up in the movie for very long, for some reason it is sad to see him die, FOR GOOD. I like Lhikan throughout the movie, and it seems so sad to see him dying with only (the more confident)Toa Vakama beside him. I felt like crying after that. :p

Anyway, that's just my opinion.


It was an awsome death scene.


The thing is, Makutas energy thingy hit the shield, not Lhikan. I don't think that the recoil from that should have killed him.


Turaga is the Matoran word for elder. Turaga Lhikan = old.
Nine times out of ten if an elderly person is hit hard enough they die. Also it must have been a terrible fright, maybe his heart-stone couldn't take the shock...please do NOT test these theories. ^_^; Seriously, abusing the elderly is not cool.


Remember that when a Toa becomes a Turaga their Great Mask becomes a noble mask becoming weaker. Makuta absorbed Nidhiki,Krekka and that bird rahi plus his normal power all in one attack, it just overpowered the noble Hau's shield ability. Maybe if he was still a Toa Lhikan might have survived.
