One word.....BORING!

Acting was horrible.......death scenes where was not waste your time!


I couldn't agree more. I seriously don't understand how ANYONE can think this is a decent film. The plot made no sense, the characters were uninteresting, there was no real suspence....



Way agree. No character development and all dark. I had no use for the characters because I could not get a good grip on their faces...the lighting was horrible. At least one well lighted scene with close-ups could have given it a slight lift, maybe. The only part I liked was the creature feature deal. Pretty sad because I liked the intro so much. This is a total do not watch.


Than you wouldn't like anything else West has made. They are slow moving films that don't rely on Hollywood Horror conventions. Personally, I think it's a nice change from a lot of the stuff coming out recently.

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.


I like West. He is most times briliant and sometimes horrible...this is an example.


I actually didn't think this was a bad movie. It could have been condensed into a thirty minute film, but I enjoyed the last 15 minutes of it. House of the Devil was an excellent film though.

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.


The problem is that this movie doesn't really seem like it's building suspense, it's more like padding, plus there are bunch of jump scares, so not really so different from Hollywood stuff.


My sentiments regarding this thread exactly.
