Cell Phones

I love horror flicks but I'm getting really tired of the cell phone "no signal" or "out of range" story line.

Only one young person has a cell phone in the cars and no one had a phone charger with them? Nobody under 55 is w/o a cell phone today and always has a phone charger in the car/truck.

I understand there are dead zones where signals may be bad but it's getting so tiresome to see this angle played out...


I hear what you are saying, but I'd give this one a little bit of a pass since it was made over 7 years ago - it is a bit ludicrous that even in 2005, only one of them would have had a cell on them. I could see no one having a charger - I think it is common to constantly move it and think you have it in the car when in fact you brought it inside after using it in another car

I entered college in 02', and I only knew a handful of people that didn't want to bother with them and used either the dorm/house phone or used pay cards. By my junior year (04-05) I can't remember running into anyone without at least a bottom of the barrel phone.

I'd think forgetting/losing the phone/someone hiding it or just flat out breaking it would be more believable today. Or, what about the infamous "I can hear them but they can't hear me" WTFIUWT?

Voorhees Gangnam Style!


Sorry, I can't buy what you're saying. This movie was made in 2005 but most

people still had cell phones of some sort. I'm sure more than one would have had

a phone. I remember back in the late 1990's most people had either a cell phone

or pre-paid phone. Regardless, I think both of us would agree that this type of

story line has been played to death...

I've seen more recent movies where the characters can't get a signal (God how

many times has that happened in movies?) or the battery is too low (possible with

today's teenage girls).


yea, I guess as viewers we are just expected to suspend belief for the sake of the film - which, most of the time, I don't mind doing

If the characters were smart in horror films, it wouldn't make for a good flick I suppose lol

Voorhees Gangnam Style!


Yeah, they said in the movie, in the beginning, that the battery was dead on the cell phone. Yet throughout the movie the girl kept trying to use the phone. As far as I know, once the battery is drained it doesn't just recharge itself without a charger, so why even keep checking? It was like she meant to say that she couldn't get a signal and she would keep trying, but instead said the battery was dead on the phone. Dumb goof.


It might be cliche but it is common not to have a signal. I've been in the middle of downtown an not been able to get a signal. In the country, you usually don't.

Don't believe those charts the phone companies show of coverage.


Depends on the carrier they are on and how rural they were. Cell coverage in 2006 was nowhere like what it is today and back in 2006 or so, cell phone penetration rates were less than 50% of the population, maybe as low as 33%.
