Why all the complaints?

Alright, I've just finished watching the film, and I honestly cannot understand what so many people are complaining about! I mean, I thought it was a pretty awesome movie, especially considering most of the crap that's put out nowadays (horror films especially). I did have one problem, however; the ending seemed much too vague to me. Could somebody please explain it a little better?

Other than the end, it was a cool movie. I mean, it was funny, but at the same time, it had a good story. Also, I gasped aloud at one part, and that in itself is a rarity with me. So...what was so bad about it?

"I'm a Derek...Dereks don't run!"


first of all...BAD ACTING!...i mean if you dont think there bad actors why dont you just check to see how many movies theve played in. the story was lame and so how it was filmed. it made my head hurt cause there was just something about it that was just made me sick...i hated how it was filmed! there new film makers but damn i can do a better job than that. but yeah thats some of the reasons why this movie was so boring and dull.


You and jorgepinto-1 (from Portugal) the first commentor, must've made this film, because anyone else with any kind of "know what a good or bad movies is" mentality would not that this movie is terrible, I mean it has no redeeming qualities. Only the people who made this would think this movie anything more than a sin in the eyes of the lord. LOL I am just way to mean, but this is my opinion.



I have to agree...I'm not sure why everyone is being soooo very hard on this movie...there have been FAR worse made. The acting wasn't excellent, but then again I think it was maybe MEANT to give you a "real people"/home video feel. It WAS pretty creepy, albeit not TOO scary. Anyone who gives this movie the credit of being the "worst movie ever" is doing a disservice to the "worst movie" category, and robbing some film out there of its deserving title. The ending wasn't entirely clear for me either. I could take it two ways. Either she "made it" despite the abandonment of her boyfriend, or else she was possessed by the ghost/ghosts. She did seem rather strange, therefore it's more likely the latter.


Granted, this is FAR from the worst movie ever made, that vote still goes to "Axe 'Em" in my opinion, but it was still horrible. Some first poster said it had a good story, will would you mind explaining that to me, cause I obviuosly missed it! All I saw were a bunch of people sitting around and doing nothing, the boyfriend getting pissed for some reason and leaving, more talking, and finally talk about this Warren guy who may or may not have exposed peoples secrects in his books. And then...what the "eff" happened at the end of the movie. Not much of a story there.

This is the old days, the bad days, the all or nothing days. They're back!


Anyone who thinks this is the worst movie ever has surely not seen some of the things I've seen. Let me name a few Phantasm (sorry Tall Man, but it's true), Troll 2, Poultrygheist: Night of the Chicken Dead, House By the Cemetery, Motel Hell, Funeral Home (it was so visually dark I couldn't tell what was happening through most of the movie. I think they left the lens cap on) and of course anything by the infamous Uwe Boll. Watch those and this movie will seem like a blockbuster by comparison.

I Am Who I Am.
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this movie made me want to shoot myself in the face for wasting a good portion of my night watching it.


penny, with all due respect, are you crazy? Would you mind contacting me and telling me why this is not one of the worst horror films ever? I'll be nice, I just don't understand your point of view on it. Thank you, Steve. [email protected]


People just like to complain. I also agree that the ending was a bit confusing. Not sure if that was possession or what.

I Am Who I Am.
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