i heard they r going 2 make a movie called the Hobbit

'' i heard it after i watched ROTK in theaters!!!!!:)


They're done filming.


1. We do not know for sure if it is being made.

2. It is not done, nor has filming started.


well they are trying to. Peter Jackson is trying to get hold of the rights first (they only had the ones for LOTR) but has said he is optimistic about getting them.... and this should meen that we probably will get to see The Hobbit as well...


Well, they did. In 1977 a anamatied version of J.R.R. Tolkens "the hobbit" was televised. if you want to ask my opinion about it. IT SUCKED, IF YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOU, YOU WILL NOT SEE THIS MOVIE! thank you.

"Thank you, Thank you, and F*** you!"- Dennis Leary



No, it was good. THe animation was good, songs were heartwarming. You may have found it a little boring. But have no fear, it was good.



gaw, i hope it's true. I liked the Hobbit. Better than LOTR. would love to see a movie version.


I hope so, but I doubt it would be better than the books, the same as the trilogy.
