good kiwi movie

Taking into account that i have watched only 2nz movies in my whole life and that i didn`t expect too much of this one, The locals was a really nice surprise...worth watching and much better than a lot of so called horror movies shot in the states.


Glad you enjoyed. Other kiwi movies you might like;

Once Were Warriors

The Quiet Earth

Death Warmed Up

The Scarecrow

Goodbye Pork Pie - film review, discussion, and articles.


check out "Snakeskin" "Sleeping Dogs" and " Stickmen" too. All of them good Kiwi flicks. Sleeping Dogs is actually great!


how about dead alive (aka braindead) too :D


I just watched this on Showtime - and although I picked the ending early - I thoroughly enjoyed it. 8/10 from me.

Take a Screenshot, It'll last longer!

- Browncoat


This movie was pathetic, HORRIBLE ACTING, low budget like hell, whats up with all the lighting at nighttime? lmao absolute pathetic movie how boring.


A low budget movie that looks low budget, yeah what's up with that? Grow a brain idiot. The lighting scheme was supposed to reflect that mood, also the director quoted that he "wanted it to look like it had been light up by rows of car headlights next to each other". It was an artistic idea that worked on some levels, and while the acting wasn't the greatest, you can't even argue that Dwayne Cameron was bad because he was fantastic.


OutlawsDeLejos: also the director quoted that he "wanted it to look like it had been light up by rows of car headlights next to each other".

Thats because it WAS done with car headlights lol


i thought it looked like someone had left their lights on and parked in front of the set.


I agree that "The Locals" was a very good, fresh and surprising supernatural variant on your standard "danger on the road" horror plot. There have been a lot of fright films made as of late using the generic road trip gone nightmarishly wrong premise (for example, "Wrong Turn," "Joyride," and "The Forsaken"); this particular film put a genuinely novel and inspired supernatural spin on that premise. I liked it a whole lot and give it an 8 out of 10.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"
