Nice one

It was on Tv 2 again last night and my third time watching it and I still like it. I'm from New Zealand and like all the little things that give this a kiwi movie from the cars the music to the bottles of beer on the table. Not to forget the story.I'm part Maori and I get how the bones can be used to curse the land.I have heaps of favorite parts but the best bit was near the end when it was when Grant had to get Paul out before sun rise in that Grant will never see Paul again once they get over the bridge could not help feel sad at that point and anxious at the same time as the the sun rises the bridge begins to fade away.When Grant makes it Paul is gone of cause the bridge is gone and all those people that the saw on the way out will be free.Yea Blindspott's Mind Dependency playing in the ending credits

YEA!! Nice one Greg


It was my third time watching it too. I love it. It wasn't on long ago either, I think November? I like that Blindspott song, I downloaded it after seeing the movie. Haha. Most of the music is good actually.
