So much blood... it's getting boring

In every episode of Happy Tree friends, it always involves blood, killing and stuff like that. It's getting kinda boring, isn't it?



Not at all. It's interesting to see how they'll die next.

My mind works in strange ways.


totally agree, the first time i saw it it was so exciting and funni but now itz jus lik oh blood...again



Well, I suppose it's only depending on how easily bored you get. For me, I've seen about 12 of the episodes and I'm hardly bored. Perhaps it's the formula itself that gets boring. As for me, I'm just watching and entertaining myself in how they die and how unlucky they are to get killed in such gory ways. However, if something drastic does change in the series (like they add real dialogue, sex scenes, etc.), I'd probably not watch it anymore as it could lose its original charm (or lack thereof XP)

It's common knowledge, really. You don't need scientific enlightenment to know that.



The purpose of HTF is watch these animals get slaughtered in different ways. it is not meant to be a show like south park, thats why they only last a couple of minutes each. if you watch the 30 minute volume straight, then of course it will get old. thats why the G4 show "happy tree friends and friends" only has 2 or 3 HTF cartoons, with a bunch of other crap in between. personally i find the cartoons highly amusing


Thats all SP is. No they shouldnt, because then they'd just be lecturing us about how they're right and we're wrong about recent events.


i saw 1 episode of happy free friends that i like because it was a clip that did not show blood belive it or not

the bus driver is all happy driving but all the sudden a racoon eating popcorn starts to chock so this squerrl goes to the bus driver to tell him that kid is gaging so the bus driver LEAVES THE SEAT and goes to the racoon to see if he is okay. the squrrel looks at the steering wheel and sees that the bus is ready to go off a clif so she pees the floor out of fear and the bus driver sees the clif also so he jumps in the squrrels arms because he is really freaked out and at the same time the racoon is still choking!

that is where the clip ends, i saw it on g4



No not at all, HTF is brilliant and i don't think i'll get bored of it. I know the guy that came up with it must be a bit sick in the head, but HTF amuses me a lot.

Danna Da Spanna


Maybe if you get the DVD and watch every single episode in a row you might get bored. But if you watch one every other day, you wont get bored.
These were shown every once in a while, i dont know what channel, so thats a better way to enjoy them, idk thats just what i think.


nope, not boring, however i think it would be really funny to see thyem do a spoof of SAW. haha

great stuff tho. =)

