Justin lost faith in tessa

During one point in the movie he said this. That he failed her, because he lost faith in her. But come on wasn't that actually her mistake?

I understood that they actually loved each other very much. But on the other hand she seemed very flirty with other men, and also with Arnold. It is one thing that she wouldn't tell Justin what she was doing, but she could at least reassure him that nothing was happening between her and Arnold for instance, or tell him that Arnold was gay ;) Do you agree that it was her own fault that Justin lost faith in her?




I think it was just miscommunication and I don't think she even realized that she seemed flirty with Arnold or that Justin had any sort of those ideas in his head. I don't think she was necessarily flirty, but that was just her personality.... very outgoing, and Justin was sort of the opposite... he also could have brought his suspicions up to her, but that's not his personality.
She never knew about the weird email about her being at that hotel with Arnold and it never even occurred to her that Justin had that idea when he mentioned the hotel. Like when she was talking to Arnold and said the thing about a "marriage of convenience" you could tell that hurting Justin's feelings with that comment never occurred to her because she completely loved him and had no idea that he was doubting her affections.
They both made mistakes by not going to each other with their issues.


In the book it is made clear that Justin feels strange about having married a much younger and free spirited woman. I don't think he actually believed that she would cheat but almost felt as though he would deserve it if she did.


I think both were wrong.

Justin could have definitely asked her what was going on with Arnold or Sandy, I felt he suspected more from sandy than Arnold and Tessa could Have paid more attention to him, she was working too much and way too involved in that cause.
